BSM: they chaperone your prom

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Luke:(age:16): your boyfriend was who knows where you were chilling with your friends drinking punch and chatting your friend said "he's a ass for ditching you." You said "no shit he is." Then you heard Luke say "now before our next song aren't you suppose to be with my sister?" Looking at your boyfriend who was with another girl he was about to turn around but ran into the girls he said "I was just going back to her I swear." Putting his hands up in surrender You walked over and said "swear my ass we're over like wow you're stupid." He was about to follow but the girls stopped him and then followed you as you ran out of the building you sat on the steps and cried Sierra said "no need for tears over him." And gave you a hug you said "he's so dumb like he knew he was going to get caught but still did it." Then the girls took you home and you just watched movies until the boys got home and Luke took you into his arms protectively.

Calum:(age:17): your boyfriend and friends wanted to go to a party that was upstairs you said you would stay down here your boyfriend said "you're so lame you know that." Then someone said "you're a ass you know that." It was brandy and the other girls he said "it just got lamer hangout with the chaperones now come on guys let's go." Your friends stayed and said "he's a ass it got much more fun now." You said "no shit he is and yeah it did." You ran after him and said"we're over." He said "ok whatever I don't care." Then you heard someone say "wow you're lucky I don't punch you right now." It was Calum you said "he's not worth it let's go." Then the boys and girls took you home and you chilled the rest of the night.

Ashton:(age:18): your boyfriend was trying to dirty dance with you when someone said "6 feet apart." He said "come on marget you're suppose to be cool." Ashton then said "not when she doesn't want to dirty dance with you." He said "she could say that." You said "I was going too but they got to it before me." He said "ok then I'm going to find someone better." You said "fine screw you then." Then he left to find someone else the girls said"let's go home." Then you guys left and you chilled the rest of the night.

Michael:(age:17): you were waiting for your boyfriend so you could leave but he hasn't showed up yet until he showed up with your brother including the boys and girls too you said "we're over I don't want to know what happened I know not wasn't good." Then the boys let him go and he ran then you guys headed home.

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