BSM: someone tries to drug you

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Luke:(age:21): you were at a club with the boys and girls including the one direction boys and girls you were talking to this guy and the girls didn't trust him at all Olivia pulled you away and said "let's go find some other guy." You said "I'm fine Olivia." And pulled away and went back over to him and when you went back you were about to take a sip of your drink when Louis said "I'll be taking that love." You we're so confused you said "Louis I can drink I'm 21." Harry said "trust him you don't want that drink anymore." You were so confused you looked at the girls and said "what's up with them?" They said "when Olivia took you away from that guy he drugged your drink." You said "holy shit Louis saved my life." And hugged him he said "always now let's get back to your brother and no more talking to these pigs here." You nodded and headed back to the others and danced with them for the rest of the night.

Ashton:(age:22): you weren't going to drink tonight only do weed with your brother which you did but he was having a couple of people over this guy came over with a drink for you and you said "no thank you I'm good." And continued to smoke the weed he said "come on baby you know you want a sip." Shoving the drink in your face Jordan said "dude if she doesn't want to drink she doesn't have to take it." Then Liam said "if she was smart which she is she won't be taking it from you I saw what you did to it." He said "mate I didn't do anything to it." Getting close to him you got in between them and said "boys stop." They backed away from eachother and walked away you said "thank you Liam." He said "no problem." And gave you a hug and you enjoyed the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:20): you were at a restaurant talking to the others siping your drink when the waiter came back over and slipped something into your drink the boys saw and calum said "mate you did not just do that?" The waiter said "do what I didn't do anything." And smirked at him you narrowed your eyes and said "I'm finish with this drink you can take it away." And handed it to him he said "miss you still have some don't you want it." Sierra said "if she doesn't want it she doesn't have to finish it." The waiter said "then you have to pay extra." Maya said "no she doesn't take her drink and leave pig." He said "come on she needs to stay hydrated." Ashton said "mate leave her the fuck alone she doesn't want it anymore we're asking you nicely to take it away if you refuse we will be speaking to your manger." Then he took the drink away and left you said "thank you guys he's such as asshole thinking I was dumb enough to drink what ever he slipped in there." Calum said "he's the dumb one." Then you guys paid and left.

Michael:(age:19): you were at the bar with your friends including the others when this guy came over and reached over you and put something in your drink you said "I saw that you can drink it now." And walked away he said "miss it's still Covid I can't drink that come finish it." Your friend said "nice try she's not stupid." The guy the left you said "asshole." Sierra said "you got that right." Then you guys dance the rest of the night.

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