Imagine you see your ex who cheated on you

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*imagine you see your ex who cheated on you at Louis show*
Luke: you were in London spending time with Harry and Oliva you were walking around with them when you saw the one person you never wanted to see again you were confused why he was here and not in California he saw you and you hid behind Harry and Olivia they were confused but then saw who you saw and stood in front of you as he walked over he said "really?" Harry said "really mate what do you need or want from her why are you here?" Crossing his arms he said "I can't talk to her?" Olivia said "not if she doesn't want to talk to you." Crossing her arms He rolled his eyes and said "well then I won't explain why I did it." You said "I don't need one and look she's right there so don't even try." The girl rushed over to him pulled on his arm and said "yebn let's go they're going to kill you." As they turned around they saw the others she dragged him away quickly you said "he wanted death why else would he come over here he's such a idiot." Sierra said "so you thought hiding behind them would be better?" You said "it worked he didn't get to explain his stupid explanation to me and their my protectors." Luke said "good you don't need it clear as day he doesn't care he did it." Then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

Calum: you were in London visiting the one direction boys and girls when you saw your ex you said "stalkish much?" Then his girlfriend said "parten me I'm from here and was introducing him to my family and friends how do you know him?" Looking you up and down You said "he's my ex who cheated on me with you." She looked at him and said "this is the girl you called a stank and said I was better than?" The others showed up when she said that your ex said "toally not babe why would I ever call this beautiful lady that ever." Putting a arm on you you moved away into calum he held you close you said "don't touch me ever again and wouldn't put it past you." His girlfriend smacked his chest and said "we're over she didn't deserve what you did to her or said about her." Your ex was shocked then left she said "I'm so sorry I know you probably hate me but what he did to you made me feel horrible could we maybe be friends?" You said "of course we can I don't hate you only him." She smiled and you guys spent the rest of the day together.

Ashton: you saw your ex in London you said "why are you here?" He said "you're alone for once?" Looking around you As the others walked over he said "never mind spoke to soon." Ashton said "you weren't about to touch her right?" Getting in front of you and Raising a eyebrow at him Your ex said "mate never why would I." Putting his hands up acting innocent You laughed and said "ok now why are you here alone she broke up with you after she found out you cheated on me with her?" He said "yeah karma I guess." You said "definitely karma gets people you deserved it." You walked away with the others.

Michael: you heard someone say "you hangout with the dog walker?" You turned around and saw your ex and his new girl you were about to say something when Louis said "love what did you just say?"looking at her she said "um nothing we were just leaving and I was just saying she's walking your dogs have a nice day." Then left with your ex Eleanor said "yeah now she runs and acts like she didn't just say that." You said "see they would never say anything in front of him ever they only say it when he's not around or online where they think he doesn't see it." Louis said "they know better." You said "then they shouldn't say shit to begin with." And then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

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