Imagine someone attacks you

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Luke:you were walking back from your friends house it was late you were walking quickly it wasn't that far from your house when out of no where someone came up behind you and attacked you you screamed and tried to get them off of you but the person was to strong and they were beating the shit out of you they ran off when someone said hey you couldn't move you were in so much pain the last thing you saw before you blacked out was a young girl you woke up to beeping you open your eyes and groaned the doctor said "glade to see you awake how you feeling?" You said "sore I'm I here alone?" He said "no your family just went to get some breakfast they should be back soon the girl did a number on you." Then you saw another girl in the door way she said "don't worry it wasn't me it was some other chick that sadly got away." You groaned and said "thank you for saving me." She said "always after I realized who you were I had too." You smiled then Luke and the others walked in he said "how you doing?" You said "ok next time your picking me up from my friends house." Sierra said "agreed." Then the doctor explained to you that she bruised your ribs and beat you up pretty bad you were mad she got away then they told you to take it easy and you could go home Luke carried you to the car and you guys headed home they didn't allow you to do anything on your own until you got better.

Calum:you woke up to beeping you gasped and shot up calum said "it's ok baby I'm right here." And caught you as you cried into him from pain and from being here because you didn't want to be here you hated it here and calum knew it you hated hospitals the doctor came in and said "glade to see you awake that guy and girl did a number on you and you don't have any diseases and we ran all the test we needed to run your free to go home." You nodded and thanked him and calum took you home you said "one moment I was walking home from the mall the next I get rapped and attacked I'm having anyone drive me for now on." Calum said "yes you are I'm not letting you out of my sight." As he carried you to the car and drove you back to the others you spent the day with them just chilling. You said "did they catch them?" Calum said "yeah their in jail and we're suing them." You said "good." Then relaxed the rest of the day.

Ashton:you heard beeping and was confused you opened your eyes seeing your in the hospital you said "I'll kill her." The doctor said "glade to see you awake she got you good but your free to go home." You smiled and said "thank you." Then Ashton took you home he carried you to the car and asked "did they catch her?" He said "yes they did were suing her." You said "good cause all I was doing was chilling on the beach and then she attacked me for no reason." Once you got home you hung out with the others for the rest of the day.

Michael:you woke up to beeping you said "I'm done." The doctor said "glade to see you awake they put a good beating on you." You said "did they catch them?" Michael said "yes they did and were suing them." You said "good cause that was uncalled for and I had the girls with me so I don't know what they were thinking." Crystal said "they weren't thinking at all." Then the doctor said you were free to go Michael carried you to the car and once you got home you hung out with them for the rest of the day not moving at all they did everything for you.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now