BSM: you can't sleep

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Luke:(age:11): the noises outside where freaking you out so you walked down stairs to watch tv as you did that you heard someone behind you say "what are little old you doing up?" It was Louis you said "are you just getting home?" Eleanor said "yes and you should be asleep." You said "I'm not tired." Sierra said "bull you got scared again didn't you?" You said "yeah I did and didn't want to sleep in yours and Luke's room again." She said "we don't mind we still have it set up." You said "ok I'll sleep there good night." They said "good night." Then you slept in there room Luke said "you knew you would come here." You chuckled then went to sleep.

Ashton:(age:12): you heard noises downstairs so you got up to check them out expecting it to be the boys but you were wrong it was Olivia and harry you said "you guys freaked me out." Harry said "sorry love." You said "it's ok now I can't go back to sleep." Kaykay said "that's why you have a bed in our room." You rolled your eyes and said "I'm with you guys again." She said "we don't mind." Then you guys headed to bed you fell right to sleep.

Calum:(age:13): you came home way past your crewfew you were hoping they were all asleep so no lecture you told them you would be home on time turned out that was a lie you walked in and heard someone say "there you are you had them worried sick." It was maya and Liam you said "I know I'm sorry I feel so bad." Then you heard someone say "you're grounded until I un ground you." You looked and saw calum and said "fine with me I deserve it." Then you went to your room and went to sleep.

Michale(age:14): you were up with your boyfriend who you weren't even allow to see and didn't really want to see anymore you only called him over cause you couldn't sleep but he thought it meant other wise and now  he was trying to make you have sex with him now and you were trying to make him leave as quietly as you could then Crystal came in hearing this cause she was going to the bathroom she said "if she's telling you to leave leave and she said she's done with you so leave I don't even know why you're here in the first place."he then left you said "thank you we won't be mention this to Michael right?" She said "your secret is safe with me." Then you guys headed to bed.

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