Imagine your ex boyfriend stalks you

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Luke: you felt like someone was following you the whole way home as you were heading back from starbucks with the girls the girls said "no one is following us." You looked behind you and they were right no one was there then you guys got home and still felt like someone was watching you you looked out the window and saw someone in a black hoddie you weren't going out there you said "hey Luke someone is watching us." He came into the living room and looked out the window and didn't see anyone he said "no one is watching us no one is there you alright?" You said "yeah I guess I just have this weird feeling that's all." He said "you're safe with us why don't we watch a show yeah?" You said "yeah." You sat down on the couch next to Calum he held you close then your phone rang you didn't recognize the number you picked it up and said "hello who is this?" The person on the other end said "your wrose nightmare you thought you could keep me in jail to bad I knew how to get out." Your heart was pounding you said "yebn?" He laughed a dark laugh you screamed and threw your phone Sierra said "who was it?" You were breathing heavy and said "it was yebn he got out of jail and is now stalking me he needs to go back." Luke said "don't worry we won't let anything happen to you and he will get back in jail I just called the cops." You nodded and the cops arrived and said "have you've seen him?" You said "yes across the street he's right there I see him." They turned around and saw where your were pointing he was running they ran after him and caught him he said "this isn't over!!!" Sierra said "oh it is over physico path." Then they put him in the car and brought him to jail you let out the breath you were holding happy that he was back in jail now.

Ashton: you guys were walking into the house you felt someone eyeing you you turned around and saw no one you walked in with the others then went to Ashton's studio you felt eyes on you again you looked at the window and saw your physico ex you screamed kaykay said "what happened? You said "yebn was out the window I'm not going crazy I saw him." She looked and saw no one Ashton said "he's locked up you don't have to worry about him anymore." You said "but I just saw him." Kaykay said "maybe go get some water." You said "ok I don't know how that will help." Then you walked up to get some water you gasped when you saw your ex right there you said "what the fuck get the fuck out of this house and away from me you're not allowed in here or near me or them get out!!!" The boys and girls ran up and saw him Ashton said "yn get behind me now." You did as you were told Ashton was in front of you and said "get the hell out the cops are on their way." He laughed and said "ok sure they are they can't hold me there forever." Then someone said "oh yes we can you're under arrested once again." Then they took him away Ashton said "you alright?" And turned to you you said "yeah I'm fine just happy he's out of here for good now he didn't touch me." He said "good." Then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

Calum: you felt someone watching you all day while you were at the beach with the boys and girls including the one direction boys and girls maya said "that guy keeps watching you." You looked where she was looking and saw it was your ex you froze and said "I thought he was in jail." Calum saw you were pale he said "you alright babe?" You said "no my physico ex is here." He looked where you looked and saw no one he said "babe no one is there." You looked and he wasn't there you said "I saw him and so did maya." Maya said "yeah he was just there." Then you turned back around and saw him right in front of you you screamed and backed up into someone it was Calum he held you close and said "get the hell away from us now." Your ex laughed a dark laugh and said "what are you going to do about it call the cops?" Then Michael came over with the cops and you said "didn't have to call them." Then the cops took him away then you guys decide to head back to the house where you guys were safe.

Michael: you were Napping when you woke up you came face to face with your ex you screamed and backed all the way up as he got closer the girls ran in with the boys they said "get the hell away from her!!!" Then you're ex turned to them you said while getting up "get away from them!!!" Then the boys said "the cops are on their way get the hell out of here now you can't be near us!!!" Your ex laughed and said "I'm kind of trapped you guys are blocking my way to leave." The girls said "go around us idot." Then the cops arrived and took him away he said "this isn't the last of me." You said " I think it is." Then he was out Michael said "you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine he just scared me but didn't touch me." He said "good he didn't touch you." Then you hungout with them for the rest of the day.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now