BSM: someone touches your boobs by acident

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Luke:(age:16): you were at his show and this guy hit you in the boob on purpose cause he was smiling and wiggling his eyebrows you said "the fuck man." Hiting his chest He said "it was a toal accident bitch."getting closer to you you pushed him hard this time Luke said "yn get backstage now." He was glaring at the guy you were too you went back with the girls and Luke said to the guy "do that to my 16 year old sister again I'll punch you and sue you." He didn't care that he said that in front of the whole stadium he wasn't having that happen to you he went to go check on he said "you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine." He said "good I'm never letting that happen to you again that's why your back here plus you wanted to fight him which I wasn't going to allow you to do." You said "good and thank you." He smiled and said "anything for you." Then you chilled back there enjoying the show for the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:17): you walked out of school when a ball hit you in the boobs and calum saw and said "who threw that?" Looking at the group of boys coming over to get the ball the guy that threw the ball said "I'm so sorry it was a accident." You said "it's ok I'm sorry about my brother he's super over protective." The guy laughed as calum rolled his eyes the guy said "good he can protect you from the assholes of this world." You laughed and said "yeah he can hey do you want to come over?" He said "won't your brother murder me?" Calum said "if she's inviting you over no." He smiled and the both of you got into the car that was a start of a beautiful friendship.

Michael:(age:18): a guy accidentally ran into you running from his physico girlfriend running into your boobs he said "shit sorry but hide me I just broke up with the girl that is running this way." And hid behind you you said "Um you can't hide behind me cause I'm short." Michael said "you can hide behind me." The guy did the girl noticed you and Michael she gasped and said "oh my gosh can I have a picture please." Michael said "yeah sure." And took a picture with her she said "thank you so much." And then left happy with the photo the guy said "thank you mate and thank you my lady thank gosh she left she's crazy." You said "aren't we all but no problem." Then he left and you enjoyed the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:19): someone accidentally elbow you in the boob at a club Ashton said "dude." The guy said "sorry dude didn't see your girl there." You said "he's my brother." He said "shit I meant sister I'm sorry." Ashton said "it's fine dude don't let it happen again." He said "no worries it won't don't worry I wasn't  raised in a barn I know how to treat women." You smiled happy a guy finally does know what he's doing you said "that's how you win them over." He said "wait I just won you over?" You nodded and said "as a friend of course for now until we get to know each other more I'm yn." He said "Lucas." And shook your handed you smiled and talked to him for the rest of the night.

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