BSM: you tell your friend you don't like the way they are treating you

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Luke:(age:11): they invited you to go shopping with them but completely ignored you the whole time and whenever you spoke they would roll their eyes you said "ok why did you guys invite me if you guys won't even pay attention to me or let me speak." Your so called friend said "you don't need attention 24/7 and cause this one wouldn't come with us without you and because we don't want to hear what you have to say." Your friend said "yeah cause she's my actual friend unlike you girls let's go yn the boys and girls are over there."you saw them and said to your so called friends "if you didn't know this means we're over." They rolled their eyes as you guys headed over to the boys and girls Sierra said "do I have to talk to those girls." You said "no it's whatever they weren't my true friends like you guys." Luke smiled and hugged you and said "that's my sis." You smiled and then continued to shop with them and your true friend.

Calum:(age:12): these girls were always whispering about you whenever you guys hungout you said "just say it to my face don't say it to eachother". They said "the world doesn't revolve around you we weren't talking about you." Calum said "oh really then who were you talking about?" You were surprised to see them here but it was the end of the day so makes sense they said "um we'll be going." You said "that's what I thought bitches." And closed your locker and walked over to them kaykay said "you got us you don't need them let's go home." You said "yeah I got you guys they weren't my actual friends." Then you guys headed home and just chilled the rest of the day.

Michael:(age:13):you were trying to get your friends attention this whole concert but nothing the boys and girls noticed too you said "hello." They said "we know you're there we don't give a shit." You said "wow someway to treat a friend who got you all of this." They said "we aren't friends we were using you stupid." You said "security take these girls out they don't have tickets and can't be here." Your friends looked at you and said "serouisly we do have tickets she has them." You said "not anymore you don't." Then security took them out as you went backstage the girls said "you ok? you don't need them you got us ." You said "yeah I'm fine but never trusting those girls ever again." Then you enjoyed the rest of the concert.

Ashton:(age:14): your friends gasped when they saw the boys and girls they said "say a word your dead cause we are not getting embarrassed in front of them because of you." Sierra said "um you girls did just embarrass yourself in front of us." They said "by telling a no one that they were going to embarrass us in front of our idols? How is that embarrassing ourself." You walked over to Ashton and he hugged you and said to the girls "now you see how you embarrassed her and yourself what friends you guys are." You said "they're not my friends I don't know them." They said "come on yn." You said "how do you know my name if I don't know you girls leave alone I don't like the way you guys treat me." Then they left and you hungout with the boys and girls they said "you got us you don't need them." You said "you're right I don't need them I got you guys. Then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

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