Imagine your boyfriend makes you choose between him and them

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Luke:you were with your boyfriend and the girls and boys your boyfriend didn't want them to come but you begged him to let them come he said fine but knew he wasn't happy when they were shopping your boyfriend said "you have to choose me or them." You said "what I don't have to choose you need to learn to get along with them I don't know what you have against them." He said "they take you away from me don't you see it." You said "they do not fine if you want me to choose you made my choice easier then you think you would I choose them." You walked over to the boys and girls your now ex said "of course you do cause you love them more than you ever loved me." You said "I want a boyfriend who doesn't make me choose between him and my family." He said "ok whatever slut they will be the only men in your life then." Luke said "that's fine with her we're better than any other man out there for her now leave before you get punched." Then your ex left you said "unbelievable he's so stupid to think I would ever choice him over you guys." Sierra said "yeah he is what was he thinking." Crystal said "he wasn't." Then you guys shopped the rest of the day.

Ashton: none of the boys or girls like this guy that you seem to see something in but you'd honestly rather be with Ashton but don't want to ruin your friendship with him you couldn't help but stare at Ashton your boyfriend noticed and said "you like him don't ya?" You snapped out of it and turned back to him and said "as a friend yes." He said "there's something more than just friends going on there."Kaykay said "they are just friends just like me and him are just friends girls and guys can have friends." Your boyfriend said "then I'll make her choose between me and him." You said "fine with me I'll choose him over you any day maybe I'm in love with him cause I didn't have the same feeling with you." Then he left everyone was shocked when you said that you said "I'm going to bury myself now and hide in my room for the rest of the night." When you were walking out Ashton followed and pulled you into him and kissed you you deepened the kiss then he pulled away and looked into your eyes "thank gosh you said that I've been dying to tell you I love you and I want to make you mine." You smiled and hugged him that was a start of a beautiful relationship.

Calum: you both were friends with each other even know you guys broke up and started dating new people but you hated his new girlfriend and he hated your new boyfriend you said "what was I thinking." Your boyfriend said "you still love him." You said "he's my whole world he's my life." Your boyfriend said "then choose who you want." You said "I want calum I bleed and live for Calum hood I want him for the rest of my life." His girlfriend said "and I want your boyfriend let's switch." You ran to calum he caught you and said "I'm never letting you go again I've been wanting to do this for a while now yn yln will you do me the honor and become my wife." He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring everyone gasped you had happy tears in your eyes you nodded and said "yes 100 percent yes." He put the ring on your finger and picked you up and spun you around and you guys kissed everyone was happy for you guys you were the happiest girl alive.

Michael: your boyfriend hated them for who knows what reason Sierra hated him too you didn't realize it was her ex who was horrible to her but he was ok to you but you didn't really like him you just tested him out so Luke hated him too your boyfriend said "is it me or them." You said "say what now you're making me choose oh hell na I'm choosing them over you any day." Then your ex left Sierra said "thanks heavens." You said "he's a ass." Luke said "we know you did the right thing." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

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