Imagine someone follows you home

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Luke: you were walking home with your friends and you knew who was following you guys it was a guy from the club you guys just came from you guys were walking around trying to lose him Luke was coming to get you girls but he got caught up in the studio so was taking a little longer you girls finally lost this guy and you texted Luke where you were he said he was there and the boys and girls were with him too you got into the car once you saw him Sierra asked "why so far away from the club?" Your friend said "she said someone was following us a guy from the club that wasn't taking no for a answer." Luke said "good thing you lost him or that could have ended very badly." Then you guys headed home and you went right to bed exhausted.

Calum: this guy wanted to get in your pants at a party so you Texted calum to come and get you and your friends they were very uncomfortable with him too you guys were leaving and he followed you sighed and walked around the neighborhood to loose him which you did you said "thank heavens." And texted calum where you were and the others were with him including the girls Crystal said "why over here?" You said "a guy tried getting in my pants I said no he didn't take no for a answer and followed us and they weren't comfortable with it and neither was I." Calum said "he didn't touch any of you right?" You said "no we wouldn't let him." He said "good." The you guys headed home and you cuddled with calum for the rest of the night.

Ashton: you were running and this guy started following you so you were trying to loose him which you did and then ended up running home and Ashton said "what took you so long?" You said " a guy was following me so I had to loose him once I did I came straight back here." He said "he didn't touch you right?" You said "no." He said "good."Then you went to shower and cuddled and hung out wirh him and the boys the rest of the day including the girls too.

Michael: you were walking home from your friends house and was trying to lose this guy so you went away from the house once you lost him you headed back in the direction of your house you walked in and Crystal said "where were you?"You said "at a friends house was getting followed went a different way lost the guy now I'm here." Michael said "good you lost him you did the right thing." Then you chilled with them for the rest of the day.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now