BSM:niall horan helps you

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Luke:(age:15): you were at his showing loving it of course and Luke and Sierra where there with you including your friends when this guy was watching you and you didn't noticed that Niall noticed until he said "mate step away from the young girl that will not happen at my show." Then the guy left you smiled and said "thank you." He said "no problem love he should know not to mess with you." You laughed and said "yeah but he wasn't thinking." Niall laughed and said "clearly." Then you enjoyed the rest of the night.

Ashton:(age:16): you were running from your horrible boyfriend when you ran into someone you said "I'm sorry." Then was about to run again when the person said "do you need help?" You looked into the gorgeous blue eyes of Niall horan you nodded quickly noticing your ex getting closer Niall said "leave her alone mate obviously she doesn't want to be around you so take the cue I don't know what happen but leave her." Then your ex left you said "thank you so much Niall." He said "no problem yn let's get you home so Ashton doesn't call the cops." You laughed and then he drove you home you said "thank you again." He said "no problem irwin I'll always protect you." You smiled and then walked inside and chilled with the boys and girls the rest of the day and explained to them what happened.

Calum:(age:17): you were running and this guy started following you then you heard someone say "hey yn over here." You saw Niall and amelia you ran over to them and said "thank you niall." He said "no problem I wasn't going to let anything happen to you." You saw the guy and he left you said "thank gosh." Amelia said "you gotta be careful running alone being that beautiful." You said "I know I'm careful." Then they walked you home you said bye to them and then headed inside and showered.

Michale:(age:18): your ex boyfriend wouldn't leave you alone at this party you were at you were trying to get away from him when Niall grabbed you and said to your ex "leave her alone if you don't I'll hurt you." Then your ex left you said "thank you niall." He said "no problem Clifford wouldn't want anything happening to you." You smiled and spent the rest of the night with him and Amelia then they drove you home you thanked him again and then when you got home you went to sleep.

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