BSM: his ex says you did something to her sibling

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Luke:(age:11): your brother's ex's sister bullied you every day and today she attacked you and you attacked back defending yourself now you were in the office she went in first and then came out and you went in you said "whatever she said is a lie." The principal said "then what is your side?" You said "she just attacked me for no reason I was walking to class and she jumped on me." Then Luke walked in and said "she told me that you jumped on her sister first." You said "no she jumped on me first you of all people know not to believe them." She walked in and said "no you jumped on me first." Arzela said "does it really matter who jumped on who first obviously yn here attacked her first so exspell her." Luke said "yn said Hsn attacked her first?" Looking at Arzela Your bullied rolled her eyes and said "just exspell her." You said "no exspell her for lying to you and to her sister." The principal pulled up the video from the camera's and said "obviously hsn did attack yn first but you guys are both suspended for a week I should make it longer for the bickering but I won't." You both nodded and left Luke said "I knew you didn't start it but I didn't know who to believe." You said "none of you guys did it's fine we both got punished anyways." Then you guys headed home.

Ashton:(age:12): you didn't know why kaykay's sister hated you but she did and you witness her pour her drink all over her self and gasp and look at you and said "how could you." As Kaykay and Ashton walked over to the two of you kaykay said "yn how could you you would never do such a thing." Getting her towels You said "Excatly that's why I didn't." Ashton said "you had to you're the only one with her she wouldn't pour it on herself." You said "but she did I watched her do it her friends are witness." They looked at her friends they said "she did pour it on herself to get her in trouble." Ashton said "that's not right at all." Kaykay said "we'll be going sorry about her." Then they left and you enjoyed the rest of the party Ashton said "I'm sorry I would think you would ever do that." You said "it's fine ." Then enjoyed the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:13): you were at the mall and saw brandy's sister she saw you and fell and said "yn how could you." You weren't even close to her yet when she did that Calum saw and said "did you push her?" You said "no I didn't I was so far away from her." Brandy said "really then how did she end up on the floor?" Her friend said "she fell to the floor acting like yn did it when she wasn't even close to do it." Brandy said "hsn really?" She said "what she's not perfect." You said "never said I was."Calum said to you "I'm sorry I thought you pushed her." You said "it's fine." Then enjoyed the rest of the day.

Michael:(age:14): Abby's sister punched herself in the face and gasped and said "yn really?!?!" Getting Abby's and Michael's attention Michael said "did you punch her?!?!" You said "no she punched herself I watched her." Abby said "why would she do that?" Her friend said "to get her in trouble for no reason." She looked at her sister she said "she's no saint." You said "never said I was." Then they left Michael said "I'm sorry I thought you punched her I know you would never." You said "it's fine their gone now." Michael said "thank gosh." You laughed and then enjoyed the rest of the day.

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