Imagine your in a bad situation

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Luke: you were with your friends at your house chilling having a girls night when someone brusted into the house and said "get down now!!" Pointing a gun at you guys and you girls got down you were breathing heavily then he said "you come with me!!!" He picked you up and brought you up to your room and locked the door you were full on panicking now he took off his mask and you knew who he was right away he smirked at you and said "can't escape me now." You backed up into the window as he tried to touch you you jumped out the window before he did you ran you didn't know where you were running to but far away from that house as possible you ran into someone they said "yn what are you doing?" You looked up seeing Olivia and Harry you said "I'm running from my physicotic ex." Harry said "I'll protect you we're going to take you home so the boys and girls don't worry." You nodded even know you didn't want too you guys got to the house the cops were there and same with the ambulance they took your ex out you said "what the fuck did you do?!?!" And went over to him but not without Harry stopping you not wanting you to get hurt he said "I destroyed the house looking for you crazy bitch but you would end up with them." You said "you're the crazy one there's expensive stuff in that house it's not even mine." Then he was taken away Harry let you go you ran over to Luke and Sierra and said "did my friends explain?" Your friends said "we did but why did you go missing Like that that wasn't cool of you to just leave us with him." You said "oh I'm sorry That he was trying to rape me and touch me why would I want him to do anything like that that's why I ran off I wanted to save you but it was a life or death situation for me I'm sorry I ditched you girls but I had no choice." Luke said "you're ok now we're here now we won't let anyone do anything to you he's out of your life now and you girls are fine too." And hugged then you guys went inside you ended up sleeping in Sierra and Luke's room when your friends went home.

Calum: you were hangout with your friends and they found a ally to hangout in you didn't like that idea they said "fine go be lame with your boyfriend then." Taking a sip of the alcohol they brought with them You said "my boyfriend is the totally opposite of that and he's out with the boys so even if I did want to leave I couldn't be with him." The guys said "oooo so fun hanging out with the guys their all lame." Smoking the blunt he had as they laughed You narrowed your eyes at them and said "screw you they are far from that I'm leaving I'm going with them should have went with them to begin with." Your friend said "why are you guys doing this to her? Are you jelous of her?" Your so called friends laughed and said "yeah totally her a no one there was a reason we brought her here in the first place." Your friend said "try to hurt her see what happens." Your ex friend said "ok I will." And started getting closer to you you backed away into someone you turned around and saw the one direction boys and girls you said "oh my gosh I'm so sorry." Louis said "it's alright love what were you doing in the ally?" Then noticing your friend and ex friends walk out you got close to Louis Eleanor said "what are you guys up too?" Standing in front of you with Louis Your ex friend said "nothing just chatting to the lovely yn who is a wonderful person and wouldn't hurt a fly unlike someone here." You said "Eleanor would never do that leave them alone and me alone." Then they left Louis said "what was that all about?" Your friend said "they threaten to hurt her." Eleanor said "not on my watch they won't." Then you guys ran into calum and the others you ran to him he caught you and said "how did you end up with one direction?" You said "long story short my ex friends threatened me I ran into them and here I'm." Calum said "thanks mates for Saving her." They said "no problem." Then you guys headed home after that.

Ashton: you were at his concert with your friend when someone took you you tired to scream but no one heard you until someone said "hey you." It was security the guy dropped you on the floor security chased after him you said "yeah I'm fine not like I almost got kidnapped or anything." About to get up when you noticed a hand that was to Niall Horan you smiled and he helped you up you said "thank you." He said "you're welcome let's get you back stage yeah?" You said "yeah better for me to be back there then in here anymore." Then he brought you back with Amelia you walked back you saw the guys and said "I'm ok a guy took me but security scared him he dropped me and ran and then Niall helped me up and here I'm." Ashton hugged you and said "thank you so much Niall for helping her." He said "it's no problem mate wouldn't want anything happening to her." You smiled and then got back on to the bus after that.

Michael: you were at the club this guy offered you a drink you declined this guy was bothering you all night and following you every where you would go it was making you extermly uncomfortable when someone said "mate she's not interested get the hint and leave her alone." It was calum you smiled and said "thank you." He said "no problem now stick with us for the rest of the night don't need anymore guys hitting on you or trying anything on you." Then you hung out with them for the rest of the night never going off by yourself again.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now