Imagine you work at the beach wood cafe

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Luke: you just started your new job there and loved it not expecting Harry to come in this was a good job and the people where very nice and you loved it so far you were taking someone's order when Harry and Olivia walked in you hid behind the counter for who knows what reason your co worker said "why are you hiding from Harry styles?" And laughed at you you got up and said "I don't know why I did that I guess because I didn't tell him but I also haven't seen him in for ever." Your co worker was confused not knowing you knew Harry through Luke when the 5sos boys and girls walked in to including the rest of one direction and their girls your co worker goes "oh my gosh their coming over to you ugh your the lucky person that gets to deal with them." You laughed then they came over with your co worker watching them the whole time Olivia said "hello we would like cn please?" You said "coming right up." And got Harry's usual and the others their's Harry smiled knowing you right away you came back and handed them their coffees you said "here you guys and girls go." They smiled and thank you and gave you a big tip you looked at them Harry said "you deserve it yn you know it." You said "yeah but I know you guys." Sierra said "exactly why we gave you a big tip cause you did amazing." You smiled and Luke said "pick you up soon?" You said "yeah see ya then." Then they left your co worker was shocked and said "how you managed to become friends with them?" You said "Luke's like a brother to me I live with him and Sierra." She said "so jelous." You laughed then continued your shift.

Calum:you didn't notice them walk in until your co worker said "holy shit the day has come." You saw calum plus Harry and the others you smiled and they walked over calum smiled and said "Harry would like his usual and we would like some ice coffee please." You said "coming right up." You got it for them and came back and handed it them they gave you a large tip you said "you know you guys didn't have too." Harry said "I always do he's a keeper." Looking at calum you smiled and calum kissed your lips your co worker goes "wait what the fuck why are you working here then?" You said "I need cash like you girls I don't get to live in Kaykay's house for free I have rent to pay."they said "makes sense so jelous." You laughed and smiled at him then they left so you could finish your shift.

Michael: you were blasting falling by Harry styles at the beach wood cafe you ran it since you got promoted the girls and boys walked in plus Harry and Olivia walked in they smiled you smiled and said "whatcha you think?" Crystal said "impressive have anything non Harry in here?" You laughed and said "no everything is for him and here's your usual sir." He smiled and said "thank you very much here's your usual."putting money in the tip jar you smiled and said "you're the best." He said "always." And got the others their drinks then you were done for the day leaving the assistant manger in charge for the rest of the day.

Ashton:Harry and Olivia walked in your co worker said "why is she with him?" You said "because their dating?" She rolled her eyes and then saw the others and said "ok good the others are with them." You rolled your eyes as they walked over Olivia said "is there a problem?" You said "not with you guys obviously but with other people yeah." Harry said "we don't let them get to us don't worry I'll have my usual." You said "coming right up." The co workers were watching Olivia you said "you guys have jobs to do do them." Your co worker said "so does she." You rolled your eyes and got Harry his drink and same with the others Sierra said "what's with the eye rolling today?" You said "because my co workers are hating on Olivia and Harry when they're right there." Olivia said "it doesn't bother me they can we're happy if they can't live with that that's on them." Taking a sip of her coffee You smiled and then they left but not without leaving a big tip you smiled and thanked them then you went back to work.

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