Bsm: someone finds your diary and post it everywhere

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Luke:(age:11): no one really liked you in your school accept for your friends of course when you saw your friends walking over to you and said "is all of this true?" You looked around the school and saw someone posted all your dairy entries all over the walls you ran to the principals and saw your bully there your principal said "here's the book but no pages we are taking all of those down and their Exspelled your brother can press charges on them too." You said "can you call him I'm not feeling well." She nodded and called him and then he said he was on his way he came a few minutes later you ran to him he caught you and held you right as you cried he looked the principal and the girls who were sinking in their seats the principal said "they snuck into your house through the window into yn room took her diray read it and posted it all over the school accept the ones about them they threw them out." Luke said "we're suing you girls how dare you girls treat a 11 year old girl like this what is wrong with you girls you girls parents will be hearing from my lawyers." Then you guys left you got to the car and went right to Ashton he held you as you cried you said "I'm never going back to that place no one can make me." Luke said "don't worry I'll home school you." Sierra said "can you do that?" He said "yes I can she's not going back to that horrible place with horrible people there these girls took her diary and put it all over the school I'm suing them cause they snuck into our house." Then you guys headed home and just cuddled on the couch with them all day and watched tv.

Ashton:(age:12): you walked into school your crush came up to you and you froze he smirked and said "you like me don't you?" Leaning on the lockers You said "as a friend yeah." His friends laughed and said "doesn't look like just a friend to us." You turned around slowly and saw someone posted your diary entrie about you liking him you took it down and ran to the principal who was with the girl who absolutely hated you he said "here's the rest of what's left of your diary." You took it it wasn't much you said "can you call my brother I'm not feeling well at all." He nodded and Ashton said he was on his way he arrived and you ran to him he held you tightly the principal said "this girl stole her diary from her room when you guys weren't there and posted it every where." Ashton said "we're suing you what were you thinking that's not right at all don't come near my house or my sister ever again or my shows if you're a fan which you are I can tell by your shirt." Then you guys left you got into the back of the car and slide over to calum he held you as you cried you said "never going back there ever can you please home school me." Ashton said "of course after this yes a girl snuck into my house and stole her diary and posted it all over the school." Crystal said "what the fuck your suing right?" Ashton said "hell ya I'm." Then you got home and ended up falling asleep on Michael.

Michael:(age:13): this girl came up to you and said "what do you want to do to ybn?" You said "nothing she's not even here."her friend said "that's because she's in the principal for posting your diary all over the school." You slow turned around and saw it all you froze and started taking them all down and ran to the office she said "don't worry she's exspelled I called your brother already he's talking to her parents about the restraining order that he's putting against her and suing her." You said to her "that's why you don't mess with me." Then Michael came in and took your school papers you had here and took you out of there you said "can you just home school me?" He said "yeah that's what I'm doing." Then you got into the car you slid next to Luke he hugged you as you cried you said "why couldn't I punch her I'm not in school anymore." Crystal said "Cause you knew it wasn't the right thing to do." You guys got home and chilled for the rest of the day.

Calum:(age:14): this girl was jelous of you I guess she took it to the next level cause when you walked into the school she has your diary all over the school you couldn't breath and felt someone behind you it was calum you said "how did you find out so fast?" He said "the principal caught her doing it and then called me knowing you wouldn't want to be here anymore and I had to talk to the girls parents cause we're suing them let's get you home I'm your teacher now." You smiled as he took you to the car where the others were you slid into the car next to Sierra and cried on her when you guys got home you just slept the rest of the day so exhausted from crying.

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