Imagine haters are awful to you and they see

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Luke: you and your friends were walking back from the mall when you heard laughter you turned around and saw these girls laughing at you guys your friends said "issue?" With a raised eyebrow The girls said "oh no no issues here at all." Smirking at you Then you heard someone say "then why the laughter?" It was luke who was with the boys and girls too the girls went pale and said "umm we were umm just ummm leaving and never coming to anything of yours shows again." Then they ran off you rolled your eyes and said "their ugh." He said "yeah they are at least they knew to leave right away knowing for a fact that they were laughing at you for no reason." You said "Excatly we were just living life and they had to be laughing at us for no reason what so ever." Then you guys headed inside and chilled with them for the rest of the day.

Calum:you were on a date with Calum when these girls where looking at you and whispering at you Calum noticed and said "ladies we're trying to enjoying our meal in peace with no distractions or hate towards any of us so I would appreciate it if you guys stopped talking about us and left us alone and never show up at any of my shows again cause you don't treat your idols everything the way you are treating her I know you guys didn't say anything to her but I know for a fact you were talking about her so please stop." They paid and left you smiled at him and peaked his lips and said "thank you so much for doing that." He said "I'll always protect you and defend you from anyone and anything." Then you peaked him again then enjoyed the rest of the date which was going amazing.

Ashton:you were walking from your friends house when these girls yelled at you saying "look Ashton doesn't care about a no one she has to walk home from her friends house so sad." Then someone said "she's most certainly not a no one and she was able to walk home so she did and I care a lot about her now never show up at any of our events ever again that's no way you treat the people I love and care about." They were shocked and then they drove off you smiled at him and said "thank you." He said "anything for you." Then you walked in and chilled with them for the rest of the day.

Michale: you were coming back from a party when this girl said "ew she's so ugly I can't even look at her." Then someone said "then why are you here just to insult her don't bother coming to our shows again and don't bother even trying to get our attention or pictures that's no way you talk to anyone especially the people I love." The girls were shocked then they left you said "thank you Michael." He said "no problem." Then you went inside and changed and shower then hungout with them for the rest of the night until you fell asleep.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now