BSM:your ex tries to kill you

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Luke:(age:16): you were walking home from school since no one could come and get you when all of a sudden your ex drove on to the side walk speeding towards you gasped and ran out of the way he followed you and you ran as fast as you could you got to your house and ran inside you were breathing heavy you looked out and saw him waiting but then saw the guys and girls pull in your ex was out of there you said "that's what I thought physico." Then the boys and girls came in Sierra said "why was yebn out there he didn't drive you home did he?" You said "no he's physicotic he almost ran me over and then he followed me home." Luke said "are you ok?" You said "other than being out of shape I'm fine." They laughed then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:17): you were at your locker and heard someone say "move you get shot." You put your hands up your friend said "yebn what the fuck are you doing?" He said "if I can't have her then No one can." You mouthed to your friend to text ashton as you stood there and crowd started to form then someone pushed through the crowd and said "put the gun down and let her go." You slowly turned around and saw Ashton plus the girls and the others your ex said "if I can't have her no one can no one can stop me." Then someone came up behind him and grabbed him he dropped the gun and you ran to Ashton he caught you and said "you're ok now you're safe I got you." And held you tight as you cried it was a cop that took your ex away then you headed home since it was the end of the day.

Michale:(age:18): you were with your friends when someone grabbed you you screamed and your friends saw it was your ex and ran after you guys your ex said "come near us she gets hurt."your friends said "put the knife down." He took out a knife and was pointing it towards them he said "not happening she's going to pay." You gulped and then surprisely the boys and girls appeared out of no where noticing your friends but no you they got concerned so they came over and then saw what was happening they had the mall cops with them and the mall cops told your ex to put down the knife he did and put his hands up and they arrested him you ran to Michael he said "are you hurt?" And looked you over you said "no just scared I want to go home." He held you tight and then brought you to the car you guys headed home and chilled the rest of the day.

Calum:(age:19): you were sleeping on the couch next thing you know you were under a pillow then someone took the pillow off of you you were heavily breathing and saw your ex on the floor and running out the door you said "was he trying to kill me?!?!" Calum said "yeah and we walked in just in time." You said "remind me to remember to lock the door when I'm taking a nap." Then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

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