BSM: you lie to him about where you are

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Luke:(age:16): you had really bad mental health so it was no shock when you ended up in the hospital for a overdose and relapse but didn't want Luke or the others to find out so you told them you were with your friends which was true you were with them when all of this went down because you girls ran into haters and that's when you decided it was a enough so here you were with your friends then the girls walked in including the one direction girls you said "yfn why I told you not to tell the boys." Sierra said "oh don't worry they don't know you're here but they should know you are." You rolled your eyes and said "I don't want them to lecture me." Then someone said "then don't keep these things from us." It was the boys you said " how did you guys find out?" Luke said "called media they caught the haters going after you we knew for sure that you would end up back here but lying to us that's not what you do you should have just told us to begin with we would have helped you." You said "I know I was afraid Ashton was going kill me cause I promised you boys I even have a tattoo of the butterfly and I let you guys down I deserve to not be here." Ashton sighed and came over to you and hugged you he said "we will help you through this again no more lying to us and I wouldn't have killed you I would have just been disappointed but we will be here for you through all of this." You were sobbing at this point they all hugged you and you knew they would be there for you through it all.

Ashton:(age:17): you told your brother you were going to hangout with friends but he assumed it was at their house because that's what you told him but little did he know you guys were going to a Harry styles concert you didn't tell him about that part you guys were front row and got back stage passes the boys ended up being there too you said "shit." Your friend said "this is why you don't lie to him." You sighed knowing how much trouble you were in Kaykay said "why lie to us where you were going we would have allowed you too come here with your friends." You said "I'm sorry I don't know I just didn't think you guys would like me coming here alone." Ashton said "that's true we wouldn't have but we would have known you were safe with Harry don't worry we're not going to make you go home you can enjoy the concert just never lie to me again understand?" You said "yeah I understand I won't do it again." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the night.

Michael:(age:18): you lied to him saying you didn't get into a car accident when you did when he saw it on social media and when he saw his car was damaged since yours was in the shop he wasn't happy you said "I'm sorry I'm in more trouble now then I would have been in." He said "yeah because I allowed you to borrow my car then you destroyed it your paying for the damage and your grounded until I unground you never lie to me about something like this ever again understand?" You nodded and went to your room for the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:19):you lied to him saying you didn't have a boyfriend when in fact you did and he caught you in bed with him he said "why lie to me saying you don't have a boyfriend?" You said "because I know how you boys get you guys are extermly protective over me." He said "never lie to me again and you never get in bed with her again you're both on my list right now." You said "im sorry I won't do it again." He said "it won't happen again because he's not allowed back here." You nodded then your boyfriend left and you just hung in your room for the rest of the night.

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