Imagine you see your ex best friend with your ex boyfriend

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Luke: they were having a meet and greet you were chilling with the girls and a girl said "hey yn." It was your friend you smiled and said "hi how are you?" She said "good I brought yexbfn with me." She slowly walked over with your ex boyfriend Sierra said "I think you need to leave." He laughed and said "oh silly Sierra you can't kick us out." You said "I can I can't believe you would do this." Your ex Bestfriend said "well we're not friends anymore so why does it matter to you and he's not your boyfriend anymore." You said "it doesn't matter to me." Kaykay said "just a low move." Your ex boyfriend said "get over it we broke up two years ago be happy for me for once." You said "I didn't say I wasn't happy for you." Your ex Bestfriend said "let's go back in line we don't need this yfn are you coming or staying with the slut?" Your friend said "I'm staying with the beautiful girl here cause she's actually been here for me." Your ex Bestfriend rolled her eyes and dragged your ex boyfriend back into line. You said "they need to leave." Then they got to the boys and they noticed who they were right away and told them to leave your ex Bestfriend said "thanks to your big mouth my idols hate me." You said "dislike you cause I tell them everything cause they are my everything." Your ex boyfriend said "that's why they beat me up and put me in the hospital." Luke then said "I'll do it again if you guys don't stop harassing her." They left you said "I thought that would go better then it did." Crystal said "their not mature enough for that." You agreed then headed home once it was over.

Calum: you saw your ex Bestfriend and ex boyfriend together you laughed out loud of course they heard you and had to come over as the boys were with fans talking to them and taking pictures same with the girls your ex Bestfriend said "what's your problem why laugh at me and yebn?!?!" Getting close to you You said "cause you're perfect for eachother both backstabbing people." She said "please your the one that ditched me for the fame life." Calum said "toal opposite from what I remember you got jelous of her for dating me and said I'll find someone who is way better than he could ever be obviously you didn't." She said "well um obviously that didn't um happen and obviously it won't no one could replace the one and only um Calum Thomas hood." Your ex said "babe let's leave he will beat me up and you." You said "he would never lay a finger on a girl ever." Your ex said "let's go before I get beat." Your ex Bestfriend walked away Sierra said "went smoother then I thought." You said "yeah it did." Then you guy shopped for the rest of the day.

Ashton: you were having a party and they were there you said "ashton didn't invite you right?" Your ex Bestfriend said "no but it's a open house." Ashton said "for only people I allow to come." Your ex boyfriend said "leave my girl alone." And got close to Ashton you said "don't mess with him you know that." Ashton said "want a broken nose again?" Your ex backed up your ex Bestfriend said "let's go this party is lame anyways." You said "ok bye then." Then they left Ashton said "that could have ended badly." Kaykay said "you think." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the evening enjoying the party that was going on with the people you like.

Michael: your ex Bestfriend and ex boyfriend just randomly came running into Michael's house Crystal said "you're not welcome here either of you it's against the law to do this." Your ex Bestfriend said "please this slut knows why I'm here." You said "no I don't know why you're here." She rolled her eyes and said "you ratted me out to the school that I was doing drugs in the back with him." Michael said "wrong person here she would never that was your other friend." Then your other friend who was with you said "yeah it was me what are you going to do about it in front of your idols?" Crossing her arms She said "nothing cause they wouldn't allow me." You said "so please leave." She said "fine I'll get you back." Your friend said "whatever you say bye bitch." Then she was out with your ex then you guys chilled for the rest of the night you said "can't believe she of all people would think I would do that."Your friend said "she's nuts." You agreed and chilled the rest of the evening.

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