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Thats right! starting with da floof


Corpse Husband x reader (female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: Fluff

Summary: After being offered to play Among Us on-stream with a bunch of people, Corpse is feeling nervous that he wouldn't be able to play to his maximum potential because he gets anxious playing with and in front of people. Reader gives him a test round to prove to him there's nothing to worry about.


"Hi!" Y/N immediately answered the phone when she saw the caller ID, a big smile spreading across her face.

"Hey." The familiar, deep, soothing voice that gave her oh so many butterflies replied from the other end, sounding a bit off. "I'm low-key freaking out right now."

The smile on Y/N's face falters as she flips to protective and worried mode in less than a second, furrowing her eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"You know Sean? I mean, Jacksepticeye." That was a pretty dumb question, considering he knew she watched him religiously and was among his biggest fans. That's why he didn't wait for her to answer before continuing, "Well, he invited me to play Among Us on stream with him and several other youtubers. And PewDiePie. The world's number one gamer. I'm losing my shit right now."

Y/N couldn't help but laugh a little, despite trying to suppress it. She was honestly so proud of him. Her best friend playing a video game with her favorite youtubers, it sounded almost too unreal. However, she had no time to dwell on that, considering her friend was probably pissing his pants with nervousness. "Sit tight, Corpse. I'll be over in no time."

* * *

And that's how they found themselves in this position. Y/N and Corpse are sitting on opposite ends of the couch in his recording room, feet stretched out to meet in the middle with their laptops resting on their laps, eyes fixated on their screens.

"You're a massive hoarder." Corpse comments, giving the army of stuffed animals on the floor in front of the couch a suspicious look.

Y/N looks up from her computer, "A sentimentalist." she corrects him, "Besides, they're the only practice audience I could find for you, so you have no room to judge."

Corpse snickers quietly, deciding not to vocalize the immense appreciation he has for for the gesture. Around fifteen minutes after Y/N hung up his SOS call, she showed up at his front door, laptop in one hand and a black trash bag in the other. In the black trash bag - you guessed it - were a ton of stuffed animals she took with her when she moved out of her parents' house. As she said, she's a sentimentalist.

"They're making me nervous in a whole different way." He murmurs, staring one stuffed duck dead in its soulless eyes.

"Quit stalling, I found a server. 'Classicsimp', join while there's still empty spots."

"Alright, alright."

And with that the two of them enter the lobby only a second before the countdown begins. Complete silence falls upon the room when the little red astronaut tells them to shush, the screen following giving them their respective roles.

Y/N's cyan astronaut immediately starts heading down to admin to do the card swipe, her almost letting a smile slip when she remembers what a tough time Corpse had with that task when they were playing together last time. She takes a quick look through her list of five tasks and cringes a bit when she sees two tasks in electrical. She knows that's a danger zone like no other. The other two tasks are in shields and O2, so she goes to do them before walking to what se considers her demise. While heading to the right side of the map, she loses Corpse and the majority of the players, just two of them sticking with her. The two little avatars following her are doing their tasks properly so she feel safe doing hers with them near by. As she and the pink avatar are waiting for the orange one to complete a task in navigation, a dead body is reported.

She opens the chat box where the white avatar says they found the body of the dark green player in the reactor. Y/N rolls her eyes, knowing that the reactor is a pretty dangerous place as well, with the hell of a long task and all.

No one is sused so they skip the vote, pushing onwards. After a brief stop in security, where she sees Corpse doing the long task in reactor, she bites the bullet and heads down to electrical. While connecting the wires, the vent pops open next to her, the black avatar coming out and killing her before once again going in the vent.

She's not surprised, but she's pissed. She looks up at the smirking face of her best friend who pretends to be focused on the game, despite the growing urge to laugh.

"I thought we were in this together, you traitor." She narrows her eyes at him with pretend anger.

"We were..." he trails off, "until our roles suggested otherwise."

In the end, the impostors win, which comes as no surprise considering one of them is the most badass impostor of all times - Corpse.

"See, there's nothing to be worried about." She finally smiles at him once they both exit the game.

He shakes his head slightly, accidentally catching a glimpse of their 'audience'. "Shit, I forgot they were there."

"You'll do that with the real ones as well, at least for the first few streams."

With his head held low, he raises his gaze, looking her in the eyes with much struggle, "I think that's because I was playing with you."

She scoffs, not picking up on his actual message, "Oh, you were that focused on killing me?"

"Nope." He smiles shyly, "Just focused on you."

And there are all those butterflies again. What am I saying - 'again'? As though they ever left her alone when she was in his presence. She made up the wildest excuses to not let herself believe she might actually be living the cliche of crushing on her best friend. But, now she had to come to terms with it.

"I'll have to repay you for this." He tells her, "How about dinner?"

"You mean takeout?" she asks, as clueless as ever.

"Yeah, I'll take you out to dinner. If you're up for it, of course"

Her heart skipped like ten beats at that sentence, her cheeks turning red. She can feel the butterflies raving in her stomach, "How could I not be? But, seeing as how I'm in an oversized hoodie and my pajama pants, we'll have to postpone that dinner. And I'm really hungry, so for tonight we can settle for take out." She hurries to explain, "We'll go on a proper date when you give me the chance to actually dress up."

He can't help but smirk, "So you're calling it a date, huh?"

A cocky smile plays on her lips, "I'm just saying what you were trying to."


Corpse Husband One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now