Power Couple*

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 Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: Fluff, Humor

Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse's girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It's her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.


It's been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It's been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that's what I'd rather think about.

By 'here' I mean I'm sitting on the couch in Corpse's recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse's. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I've played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I'm internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn't mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you've been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he's always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I'm good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called 'simp' by his friends in the process.

"You'll love it." He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.

"I don't doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don't wanna embarrass myself." I mumble a quick 'nor you' under my breath, hoping he doesn't catch it because I'm in for a pep talk if he does.

To my dismay, he does, "Listen here, you couldn't embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I'd join you in the act." He ducks in front of the couch so we're at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. "We'll show em who's the boss at stealing candy."

I can't help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can't do the feeling justice.



"Corpse Wife has arrived!"

Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. "Hi guys! Missed playing with you!"

"We missed you too!" Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I've actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others' wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I'm a fan of theirs, they've always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.

"You know anything about this game?" Felix asks me.

I shake my head, almost forgetting he can't see me, "Corpse told me it's funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me."

"Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!" Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.

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