Not Cool *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing (maybe)

Genre: FLUFF


"Ok, I've complied a list!" Corpse calls out to me from the living room as I prepare a rather large bowl of popcorn in the kitchen of our shared apartment.

I immediately cringe, wishing I hadn't let myself speak before thinking and initiate this movie marathoning session. Don't get me wrong - marathoning movies with my boyfriend is one of the best ways to spend the day if you ask me. But there's a certain element to today's marathon that...worries me and makes me wish I came up with an excuse not to participate. Or makes me wish I simply kept my mouth shut and didn't try to act bold when both parties of the discussion knew I was bluffing - those parties being Corpse and I. Him and I both know my stance on horror movies, even the bad ones or horror in general. I'm a wuss. On a scale from a person afraid of their own shadow to someone who could look death in the eye and laugh - which is insanity to me, by the way - I'm that person that is mortified of something they themselves create.

Of course, I'm not afraid of my shadow but I sometimes unintentionally manage to spook myself. Like that time I woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water and screamed in terror when I passed by the hallway mirror cause I thought the reflection wasn't mine. Yes, I really did that. Thankfully, I was living alone at that time so I didn't wake anyone up. Well, except my dog - props to Moe, he came running to my aid ASAP.

Corpse still pokes fun at me for the fact that I slept with the hallway light on up until the point we moved in together. However, I find it really endearing that he keeps the night lamp on his nightstand on until I fall asleep. He says that having some kind of dim light on helps him doze off as well from time to time.

"How many did you write down?" I ask as nonchalantly as I can, praying he doesn't say a number above three.

"Fifteen." He says, much to my dismay and shock, as he waltzes into the kitchen, grabbing the pot of freshly brewed coffee and two mugs. "Of course, there are more important and less important ones..." by that he means the fucking terrifying ones that we call Corpse Approved and the ones who can get you only with a jumpscare. To me it's all the same - no sleep for a week and all because I decided to act tough. I brought this upon myself and I have to now face the consequences.

"So we don't have to watch, but..." He turns the piece of paper for me to see the FIFTEEN fucking titles, some written in blue and others in red ink. "The ones in red are prioritized. They get me scared every time I watch them."

Fucking hell. If Corpse, a horror story narrator who should have the thickest skin when exposed to horror by this point, gets uneasy while watching them I might just die thirty minutes into the first one.

"Unless you aren't done stalling yet, you can join me in the living room and we can get this show on the road." He has the audacity to smirk at me before exiting the kitchen, not giving me the time to argue and contradict his statement. Not that he's wrong though - I am indeed stalling, but just a bit!

In the living room the shades are covering all the windows, making the room unbelievably dark despite it being three PM. The two mugs Corpse brought out are now on the coffee table, steaming and surrounded by other snacks Corpse decided to include. I'm a big coffee lover but I hope we switch to beer eventually because I'm sure I'll handle the atrocities I'm about to witness better if there's some alcohol coursing my bloodstream.

I put the bowl of popcorn on the table and settle next to Corpse on the couch, tucking my knees to my chest and wasting no time wrapping myself in the fuzzy blanket I brought from my room. I give my watch-partner a quick, narrow-eyed glare when I hear him chuckling but I decide not to comment. I'm afraid of getting myself in deeper shit - I tend to talk some serious smack with no second thought and that lands me in situations like this one so silence it is for me.

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