#ONLYSIMPS (Sequel to 'I'm Gushing Aren't I?') *

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Long time acquaintances are finally brought together for a official meeting through a game of Among Us and some matchmaking magic from Sykkuno who just wants to help his simping friend out. Let's see how that goes.


"Hey Corpse you're still playing with us tomorrow right?"

The notification alerting me of Sykkuno's message startles me out of focus. I've been trying to edit the audio for this specific creepypasta narration video I've been working on for a week now which requires more sound effects than I'm used to adding and I also need to alter them which is just...great. I chose this for the video. I wanted it to be complex project. Not only to pose as a sorry to my fans for the lack of horror story narrating videos as of late, but also as a gift for a friend who's birthday is coming up.

I take my phone and send a confirmation text to Sykkuno and turn back to my computer screen. I squint at the tiny letters and numbers on the screen, my eyes stinging as my vision goes a bit blurry from the intense staring at those pixels for the last two or maybe three hours. I open my desk drawer and take my eye patch out, equipping it.

Just as I reach for the mouse, my stomach growls, reminding me that I haven't had anything to eat and it's already 3 PM. In my defense, I woke up thirty minutes before noon after having fallen asleep at 4 AM so I wasn't hungry nor 100% conscious for the first half hour. And then I went to work. I can't be slacking, this video needs to be posted tomorrow.

Guess this is a sign I should take a break, I think to myself and finally convince myself to get up slowly, giving my legs time to wake up after not having moved in hours. I stretch my arms above my head and walk out of my recording room straight to the kitchen.

As I'm walking I feel my phone buzz in my hand. I look down, expecting a reply from Sykkuno but I'm pleasantly surprised to find it's a text from my long time DM friend Y/N. Well 'long time' is a little much. We've only been texting like this for about two months after she participated in #onlyhands. Our relationship is purely platonic, much to my dismay.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I have finally come to terms with the fact that I'm hardcore crushing on her. I felt hints of it before, but now that we're practically best friends, it's getting more and more noticeable and harder to ignore. However, it's easy to hide. We flirt carelessly sometimes, so even though I truly mean 90% of the things I say, she has no idea and I can lie to myself and say that I 'tried' and that she has lowkey rejected me. The girl has absolutely no clue that I'm being authentic with my witty flirty banter and I'm not just trying to get a laugh and an eye-roll from her. I mean - that too - but it goes beyond that.

Y/N ~ Heyyy whatya doin

It's the typical just-checking-in message she sends me every day if I don't beat her to it. She's unpredictable with her schedule considering she never goes to sleep and wakes up at a constant time. I keep telling her to obtain and maintain a better sleep schedule if not a work one but she has told me not to worry countless times, always pointing out that she's better at improvising than organizing and that she can't do much without knowing what mood she'd wake up in.

Me ~ grabbing breakfast. hby?

The list of things I like about Y/N is long, but somewhere in the top ten are her fast replies. She'd never leave a person on seen cause she never doesn't have a reply to something and she'd never purposely leave someone waiting for a reply. She also types with the speed of light, which is impressive to say the least. So, all this considered, it's no surprise that her response comes almost the same instant as my message got sent.

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