Rap My Heart To Pieces *

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Rapper!Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: This Among Us stream of the usual gang has welcomed a special guest in the lobby, a rapper on the rise named Y/R/N. Corpse inevitably finds himself simping for the talented, badass, deep-voiced artist.


Y/R/N - Your Rapper Name

"Guys! Guys! Ok, don't freak out, but...I have some really exciting news!" Rae announces, clapping her hands excitedly.

"We won't. What's up?" Sykkuno replies obediently while the rest of the members of the call remain in curious silence, awaiting Rae's answer.

"You guys know Y/R/N, right? She made a hit earlier this month..."

"RAIDING HEAVEN" Corpse interrupts enthusiastically, "Man, I love that song!"

"Corpse, be cool!" Rae scolds him like the big sister she is. "Did I really not just say 'DON'T. FREAK. OUT.'?!"

Just as Corpse opens his mouth to apologize and defend himself, another voice speaks up. "Don't worry, Rachel. I appreciate the enthusiasm. Especially from someone I admire. Thanks a lot, Corpse."

Silence falls over the call yet again, only Rae's faint giggling can be heard. Well, if you listen closely you can also hear all the participants in the call screaming "NO FUCKING WAY" inside their heads. Yeah, it's that loud.

That deep, raspy voice is hard not to recognize, especially after listening to 'Raiding Heaven' on repeat. Not that Corpse has been doing that since he first heard the song or anything...What matters is - a rapper, not just any rapper - Y/R/N! - has joined their Discord call and is about to play Among Us with them.

"Oh my God." Poki is the first to recover from the initial shock, "Y/R/N, I can't believe it. I love you." Welp, so much for that recovery and acting cool.

"I love you too, darling. And please, call me Y/N. And loosen up, people! I don't deserve this bewilderment! I only have one song out, for goodness' sake." She laughs, a sound so melodic and unique, it would stand out in any crowd.

"One song but it's an absolute HIT!" Rae, Miss Act-Cool, pipes in, also having lost her cool and completely gushing over the special guest.

Oh God aren't I glad they can't see my face right now, Corpse thinks to himself, glancing at the wilding chat of his stream - his viewers equally excited as everyone in the lobby. His cheeks and ears are red, eyes wide in astonishment, mouth agape. He had been contemplating Tweeting her or commenting on a post of hers or SOMETHING, ANYTHING. But he never got the courage to go through with it. This moment, her having caught him off-guard so out of the blue he could've never predicted it, is something he never considered a possibility.

"So, Y/N, do you have any Among Us experience?" Jack finally starts asking the important questions, being the big brother of the group at the moment while everyone else is still recovering from the shock.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm an experienced Among Us player, but I know the mechanics, objectives and dynamics. And in my nineteen and a half years on this Earth I've never been caught in a lie so..."

"Wait, you're nineteen?!" the question slips past his thought filter before it could be processed or stopped from leaving his lips, but now that it's out in the open, there's no way to take it back. It's been recorded too, for the love of God.

"And a half!" Y/N corrects him with mock offense in her tone, "That half is apparently important as to be taken more seriously in the music business."

"Oh my God! That's insane, Y/N!" Rae exclaims, completely astonished by the newly learned fact.

Y/N laughs again, "Not a big deal, you guys! I really appreciate your kindness, but I'm not even close to the most famous one here. Corpse on the other hand...he's the one deserving of this much attention."

"Oh he's a regular. Old news!" Rae says jokingly, provoking a bickering session with Corpse.

"Yeah they don't give a shit about me. I was only fun the first - what - three streams? Then they were like 'Guess this guy is one of us now', you know." Corpse too uses the same tone, earning him laughter from everyone in the lobby.

Jack once again plays his adult-in-a-situation card and speaks up, "Guys, if you want Y/N to become 'one of us' too, you'll have to stop boring her and give her what she came here for - a game of Among Us. Enough chitter-chatter!"

"No worries, Jack. I came for a good time. And if this ain't it, I don't know what is." Y/N reassures him and the rest of the lobby which is still in a frenzy. There's just something about having a person they've known for such a short amount of time and talked plenty about on stream with them. None of them can really explain it - it's not that they haven't played with famous people before. They are famous themselves for, goodness' sake. It's her. Her presence, her energy, her uplifting spirit.

And how much they fangirl over her when she's not around.

The game begins and Corpse is nervous to have been given the role of an Impostor alongside Toast. He wouldn't want to embarrass himself in front of someone he admires so much. Not that there's a chance he could, he's the greatest impostor of all time after all! Still, he can't help but be nervous and under pressure. Y/N gave him nothing but good vibes and she's very laid back, but it's that mentality of wanting to impress a person you think highly of that has now taken hold of him and he can't shake it.

They're playing with proximity chat so they all stay mostly silent in fear of saying something of what they are thinking - which is mainly centered on their guest who is running around like the energetic crewmate she is, doing her tasks left and right. However, when she waltzes into Electrical and the doors close behind her leaving her alone in the room she gets a bit worried.

"Hello, Y/N" a deep voice says ominously when the vent pops open and out comes Corpse in all his Impostor glory.

"Well I'm fucked, aren't I?" She says with a little giggle as she backs away but then takes a few steps forward as if accepting her fate. "Alright then."

"Actually, you know what?" He walks over to her, "I'll grant you immunity from me. I can't guarantee from the other impostor, but I'll solemnly swear not to kill you myself IF..." he makes a dramatic pause, "You sing a line from a song of mine."

There's a short pause before...

"CHOKE ME LIKE YOU HATE ME BUT YOU LOVE ME..." This goes on until she finishes singing the chorus and she's more than willing to carry on but he cuts her off, laughing his ass off.

"Aight, aight, you shall be spared." His astronaut circles hers, "There, a circle of immunity."

Just when the doors open and she's about to exit the room she turns around, "Hey I can one-up that if you go around protecting me the rest of the round."

Corpse, who was about to hop back in the vents stops as well, "I'm listening."


Off I go simping again

"You've got yourself a deal!" He turns around and goes to follow her out the door, "Damn Y/N, you rap my heart to pieces."

"Me pleasure." She replies, giving his astronaut a 'kiss' on the cheek before they carry on playing the game side by side with him as her bodyguard. 

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