An Impostor Of My Word *

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Corpse Husband x Voice Actor Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing (maybe)

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Corpse meets Y/N through an Among Us stream after they're introduced into the group by Jack who has known them for a long time. The rest of the members of the lobby are in for a surprise when they hear the vocal abilities of their guest - long story short, the kiddies meet a cartoon character basically.


"So Jack, you say you have someone special joining us today." Felix says, taking a sip from his drink as the lobby starts filling up with the nine astronauts who are the usual members of the Among Us streamer gang. There's one empty spot Jack promised to fill with a special guest who is a friend of his and has been for a while now.

"Yes indeed. Let me just text them real quick. I said I'd send them a signal on when to join as not to spoil the surprise before I could hype you all up properly." Jack laughs, the faint sound of tapping buttons on a phone coming from his end.

"Oh believe me, we're HYPED! We have been since you tweeted about it yesterday!" Rae says, clapping her hands excitedly. She's basically speaking on the behalf of the entire lobby, every member of which is very excited to be meeting the mysterious person said to be joining them.

Jack laughs before ringing his famous bell, "Alright then. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLEASE WELCOME - MICKEY MOUSE."

A yellow astronaut appears in the lobby wearing a little balloon on top of their head. "Hello everyone!" The voice is an exact replica of Mickey Mouse, a dead-ass copy of it to the point where it's freaky.

"WHOA!" Rae gasps, "What the hell?!"

"That was so spot on!" Sykkuno sounds baffled as well, rightfully so.

"That was fucking perfect!" Corpse says in disbelief as he stares at the name above the yellow avatar which has the name 'BEYOND' above it.

"Guys, this is my amazing friend Y/N. They're a voice actor. And, as you witnessed, gifted at doing voice impersonations." Jack gives a nonchalant introduction of the person that just took the whole lobby for a ride they sure as hell weren't expecting.

"Thank you for the kind words, Jack." The voice speaking now is not at all alike to what they previously heard, it's actually rather deep and soothing like one you'd want to hear reading an audiobook or poetry, "Hello Among Us gang, I'm Y/N. Shameless self promo but I'm known by the name 'BeyondAVoice' on all social medias including YouTube, but as Jack said, my main focus in life is voice-acting." Y/N says sweetly, their tone giving their mild nervousness away.

"Hi Y/N! Oh my God, that really came out of nowhere. We weren't told anything about you so we had no idea what to expect and then suddenly Mickey Mouse was in the call. You can imagine how that looked." Rae laughs, but judging by the speed she's speaking with it's evident that she's very excited.

"I told Jack not to say anything, I wanted to surprise you. It's not every day I get to use my ability on people for the first time. My viewers are already used to it." They chuckle a bit, "I'm glad I succeeded."

"Succeeded you did." Corpse pipes in, still half-astonished and in recovery after what he heard, "You're very talented, you've got a great voice."

"Thank you but, I have a great voice? You're talking to me? You better be talking to a mirror, pal cause damn! Have you ever considered voice-acting? Companies would kill each other to hire you." They reply energetically as thought they've just made a great discovery. Corpse really is a great discovery for the voice acting industry, only if he chooses to pursue that career path, that is. And he knows that. He's been told that all his life, but it never actually stuck with him.

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