Locked In My Heart ⨀

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing, Drug use (Past), Withdrawals (Past)

Genre: Angst, Fluff


"Y/N! You can't keep doing this to yourself! You need a break." Rae - my roommate and best friend - scolds me as she barges into the room. "I'm sure you're going to just fine on the damn exam! It isn't worth it, regardless! This is torture."

I would laugh at her expression if I had the energy to do so. She looks like a cartoon character - angry, but so freaking adorable. She's not wrong though. I'm in my last college year and I've never felt more like roadkill in my life. Exam after exam after exam. I die and decompose a little more with each one. Rae is the only reason I haven't died in the literal sense of the word. Balancing college duties, my job and my YouTube channel feels like trying to stand at the top of a pillar with a watermelon on my head - simply put: almost impossible.

Rae is the reason I'm currently taking a break from YouTube. I tried to convince her I could manage, but she refused to budge on the matter so now I'm on a break for an undecided amount of time. I have a small channel where I posted weekly covers of songs. I've had it for about three years now. I never thought I'd have the confidence to show off my singing, especially not on the internet, but a friend of mine was mesmerized by my singing voice and he planted the seed of want for my talent to be seen and heard. He was convinced I'd make it big and he wasn't too far from the truth - I have approximately one point five million subscribers and millions of views on each video I have posted and I still can't believe it. I still have a hard time processing the fact that people are listening, liking and even requesting original songs. It's the most surreal thing that has ever happened to me. Too bad I something bad had to go down before it could happen.

The sun's the brightest after a hurricane.

"Fine, I'll take a nap. I promise." I automatically grab the collar of my shirt (my pajama) and bring it to my nose, "And a shower."

Rae narrows her eyes at me, "First of all: I don't trust you. Second: I ordered takeout, and I know you haven't eaten so don't try to fool me, and you're gonna eat now. The nap and shower can wait."

I roll my eyes at her exercising her motherly instinct on me, not the first nor the last time she has done it. Although I act like a bratty teenager whenever she does it, I genuinely appreciate it. "Fine."

I step out of my room, turning to the right to head for the kitchen. However, Rae's hold on my wrist stops me in my tracks. "I told you I don't trust you. You're eating in my room."

I give her this look like she has grown a second head, my eyebrow raised so high it probably blends with my hairline. "You aren't serious." I look down at my watch, "Aren't you streaming in like five minutes?"

She shrugs, completely unbothered. "Yeah, you're not gonna be a hinderance or anything. I just need to know you'll eat and not feed our dogs with the food instead." Ok I can't blame her for that claim either. She caught me red-handed one time which has lead to this distrust she has in me when it comes to me eating.

Knowing this is yet another fight I have no way of winning I sigh, "Ok, as long as you don't acknowledge my presence."

"No one will know you're there, don't worry." She reassures me, grabbing my hand and dragging me to her recording room.

* * *

"I've got company today! I present to you: my roommate Y/N! I mean, I would present her to you, but she's camera-shy on other people's channels so you'll just have to trust me on this one - she's really here."

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