Wishful Thinking (Sequel to: 'Intimidating') *

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Sequel to:

Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Corpse is convinced into sharing how his and Y/N's meeting went by the Among Us gang. While going on and on about how the day went, completely lost and transported back to when he was actually experiencing it, he makes the mistake of calling it a date, starting the wildfire that would later become people shipping the two streamers.


"SPILL IT CORPSE" This is the 'hello' Rae has decided to go with today. She clearly has no intention of circling around the subject or beating around the bush. She wants the story with all its details and she wants it NOW. I can only imagine the rest of the lobby is also rather curious, but they are a lot less direct and demanding which I appreciate. If Rae didn't attack me for info right from the get-go, I wouldn't have mentioned anything about yesterday's events, just to see how long they would last without poking the topic with fake nonchalance.

"Is that how we say hello around here now? Ok, SPILL IT RAE." What? Playing dumb has never harmed anyone, at least not over a Discord call.

"Don't make me come over there and kick your butt, Corpse! I'm dying of curiosity over here!" Rae whines in frustration, "Everyone else is too but I'm the messenger apparently! Guys, come on! Back me up over here!"

"Nah, no way. I'm not risking with anything involving Y/N anymore. She's still slightly salty about the comment I made last time." Dave is quick to speak up and step to the side in this bicker-fight.

I promised Y/N I wouldn't tell him or anyone, but she's not one to hold grudges. She actually forgets she's pissed at people until she sees them and even then she just knows that she's supposed to be pissed, but the reason as to why often remains unknown. She was never pissed at Dave to begin with, but that's just their sibling dynamic so I can only assume he's aware.

"Don't worry, Dave. She said she's busy today so she won't be sneaking into the call." I tell him reassuringly, resisting the urge to laugh at the irony. He's the one who called me insane for finding Y/N intimidating yet here he is, cowering in terror at the though of getting caught saying something that would piss her off. Seems like no one is intimidated by her in theory, but when she's around it's a whole different story. Even though that shotgun she has mentioned on several occasions is a decorative piece. Not that she couldn't kill with it if she tried, I know for a fact that she's very determined.

"Perfect!" Poki pipes in, "That means you can spill all the tea!" She has joined Rae's line of offense while I'm over here alone with Dave looking on as a third party - a very fucking curious third party. I've got no one in the defending lines with me, but I have at least a quarter of Y/N's determination which will...it will not do much since I'm actually dying to tell someone how the day went.

It's been a little less than twenty four hours and I'm still grinning like an idiot about it. I'd say it definitely falls in the top five best days of my life because I enjoyed every second of it.

I woke up yesterday morning after maybe and hour or two of sleep which I'm still baffled by - I was so nervous I couldn't even sit still in one place for too long. How I fell asleep is beyond me. The first thing I did was check in to see if she was online and still hadn't changed her mind on the meeting that has been scheduled for almost a month now. Call me paranoid, but I was expecting her to cancel in the lastest of minutes and I was just mentally preparing myself. I doubt it was wishful thinking cause despite the anxiety I was feeling, I wanted this meet-up to happen. You know how people go on roller coasters especially to fight their fear of them, or climb to high places to conquer their fear of heights- yeah, well that's how I saw this, as me conquering my fear of Y/N. It's only now that I realize what I was feeling wasn't fear, but I won't jump too far ahead in the story. Stick by me, I'm a narrator of other people's stories, but I suck at telling my own. I should've written it down, probably would've made it easier that way.

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