The Pining Game *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: Fluff, Humor

Summary: We've all experienced this feeling at some point in our lives: being jealous of someone for chatting up the person we're head over heels for. Y/N is an example of all of us - though unlike her, the majority of people (myself included) wouldn't dare show it. Especially not on a livestream, in front of thousands of people.


"Y/N, we're playing Among Us! Wanna join?! Please say yes!" I don't even get to squeeze in a hello when I pick up Rae's call, her excitement taking over the line. Her enthusiasm is so contagious, I would've probably said yes even if I didn't want to join the game.

"Slow down, Rae." I laugh, "Let me hop on Discord real quick." I go to end the call, not before hearing her squeal an excited 'Great, see ya!'. "Well guys, change of plans, I guess." I give my camera an apologetic look. "We're switching over to Among Us. Not gonna lie, I'm done with this FNAF game for the next few days. It's becoming more frustrating than scary. I need a break before I break."

I've been streaming for about two hours now and a game-change is more than welcome. I haven't played Among Us with my gang for two days now. I've been busy with other games and also with renovating the first floor of my house. I have missed my crew and.....

"OMG Y/N'S HERE!" Poki says excitedly, followed by every other person in the call greeting me happily.

.....apparently they have missed me too.

"OK, we're just waiting for James and then we'll start." Felix says as I customize my astronaut in the lobby.

I catch myself just as I'm about to roll my eyes, having almost forgotten that I am on-camera. Don't get the wrong idea - I love James. He's a great guy and we've been friends for a while now. I was actually the one who brought up the idea of him playing Among Us with us. And now it's backfiring. It's not technically James' fault. He's just messing around. I'm in the wrong here for not communicating the fact that his flirting with Corpse annoys me to the point of anger. Why, you might be wandering. Well, full disclosure: I've been pining after Corpse like a hopeless simp for what feels like forever. Who knew having a crush would be so exhausting? I didn't really have a say in the matter either - Corpse just spoke and my heart and mind agreed on me falling in love with him.

Silly, isn't it? The concept of falling in love. There's so much to it. And no, I didn't actually fall in love with him when I first heard him speak. That was intrigue more than love. But every moment since that first one I've been falling more and more, closer to the love zone rather than intrigue. That in-between zone I'm currently in is called 'crush'. Add the word 'hopeless' in front of it for good measure.

But wait, there's more! And by more I mean more clichés. My life has become the infomercial of clichés and there's nothing I can do to change that. How much worse can it get? Let me tell you! - Corpse and I have become best friends. No one of the streaming crew knows this, though. We haven't felt the need to say anything just yet, but it's not like we're actively hiding how close we are either. We have spent nights at each other's places. We've attempted to cook together a few times - always ending up in failure, in case you were wondering. We've had movie marathons, etc. You know, all things best friends do. Falling for your best friend - cross that off the rom-com bingo.

"Oh, Y/N's here? Girl, where have you been?!" James' voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I blink a few times to get my eyes back in focus, "Hey, James! Sorry, I've been all over the place recently."

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