Duet Of Love (Sequel to: 'One Decision At A Time') *

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Corpse, with the help of thousands of his fans manages to convince Y/N to duet him for a video to show off their singing talent which Corpse was kept in the dark about for so long. Needless to say, his fans were blown away as you might expect.


"No way! Are you crazy? There's no way I'm doing that!" I shake my head frantically, trying to get Corpse to let go of the idea that he has planted in his head. As if he isn't enough, I have his gaming squad and fanbase breathing down my neck about this.

A duet with Corpse.

It was his idea, obviously, and everyone jumped on the bandwagon of trying to get me to give in as well. I've been getting tweeted at, DMd, tagged in posts that are basically pleas to have me agree with this nonsense.

Let me tell you, I'd honestly love to. I really would. But I don't sing for others to hear. As a matter of fact, I go out of my way to make sure no one's around when I wanna sing and usually when I do I sing only one song - the song my mother used to sing to me when I was little. It's her spin-off of an old Colombian song she was taught at her school choir. I was mesmerized by it every time she's sing it. I always hear her sing it when she was doing chores around the house or when she was putting me to sleep. It's a song that has stuck with me since childhood and it's the only song I can sing properly.

I mean, not that I've tried to sing other songs. Sure, I hum to songs on the radio and I mumble the lyrics to Corpse's songs all the time, but it's never singing. Corpse himself, my boyfriend for almost a year, had no idea I could sing. 'Could sing' with a grain of salt, more like babble out of tune and off-key. Just the thought of there being a video out there of me singing sends me in a mildly panicked state.

"Why not? You have a talent, Y/N. Why'd you ever want to hide that?" Corpse is not abandoning his front, giving me a much harder time than I anticipated he would.

"Just because it doesn't provoke ear-bleeding, doesn't mean it's quality singing. It's not a talent, Corpse! Why would I want that out there? Plus, the song I sing is very personal. Near and dear to me and my mom." I'm sure that one of these sentimental comments will lead him to drop the case. I have to keep trying though cause I've never seen him so determined on anything EVER.

"You won't be singing that song, Y/N. We'll figure something out. All I want is to create a piece of music that has deep value. I love doing music, it's a fun hobby that I love doing, but this duet I'm telling you about..." he trails off, his gaze wandering to the tabletop between us, "this is different. It would mean more than all my songs combined and doubled to me. I love it already. And I know you'd love it too." His eyes meet mine once again. Now, aside from the determination I previously saw, there's a spark of something else. As if he's waiting for me to understand what he means.

And then it hits me. The subtle message between the lines of his speech. The flame in his eyes. How much this will mean to him. It all makes sense.

He wants me to know that he....

But he's not able to say it...

Why not? Could he be afraid it's too soon? Could he be afraid in general? Is he unsure? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time he's hesitant about something regarding our relationship. I'm used to making the first step every now and then. But this is not just a simple step. I know people call it 'three simple words' but nothing about them is simple. Sure, they might be words, but the meaning they carry when said from the bottom of one's heart is immeasurable. On a scale with any other words or phrases, they outweigh them but a hundred tons.

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