There Are Two Cat Girls And One Impostor Among Us *

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 Corpse Husband x Sykkuno x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Among Us murders

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: When Sykkuno decides to wear cat ears, Y/N is right there with him, embracing her inner cat girl. Corpse could not be happier.



"Y/N's here!" Rae announces when I hop into the Discord call, earning a huge grin from me. One she can't exactly see right now, but what matters is that it's there.

"Hi everyone!" I greet the Amon Us lobby while taking a quick look at the chat below my stream where comments are flying by, I couldn't catch for the life of mine.

"Hi, Y/N!" the rest of the players in the lobby reply, all voices carrying the same amount of cheerfulness and excitement.

"My chat is blowing up about Sykkuno right now. Are you wearing your cat ears or something?" Rae asks, her question turning down the volume of the whole lobby as we all await Sykkuno's reply.

"Um...yeah. Is that weird? I didn't wanna say anything cause like.....I don't know." He answers with his shy little laugh he does when he's nervous.

"Weird? Are you serious, that's so cool!" I can't contain my excitement, "Give me a sec." I get up and walk off frame to go rummage through my drawer of accessories. A girl on a mission, that's what I am, but soon enough, I'll turn into...

"Oh my God, my chat is going off about Y/N now! Guys, I'm sorry I don't own a pair of cat ears, OK?!" Rae laughs, and I can just imagine her faking an angry frown at the camera. Suddenly, I get a notification that she's texted me.


I can't help but laugh, deciding to reply in the call instead of over text, "Thanks, Rae."

"Wait, hold up. Y/N's a cat girl too?" Corpse's voice dominates over any other sound. If there was a gunshot somewhere nearby, I wouldn't have heard it. I never hear anything else when he's talking. Call it simping if you wanna, but I prefer to call it...intense respect.

"Yeah! I recently got cat ears! I was so excited to wear them on-stream. I just kept forgetting." I say, desperately trying no to look at the camera, but I know it's no use. The blush is visible no matter where I look. My viewers are some sharp-eyed eagles and they sure as hell won't be afraid to call me out on it.

"Oh, I need to see that. I'll pull up your stream real quick." He's smiling, I can hear it. This is certainly not helping my crush on him. While not that intense, it's always there. Lingering in the shadows and attacking me with stomach-butterflies and evident redness of my cheeks and ears when him and I interact in any way.

Not to mention my crush on Sykkuno, that's a whole different type. That guy is the most precious human being to ever walk this Earth and no one can change my mind. He must be protected at all costs. Talking to him doesn't have the same effect on me as with Corpse, but there's still an obvious effect - Lord help me, I can't stop smiling even if I tried.

"That's really cool. You're adorable, Y/N." I grit my teeth so I don't squeal. Yeah, great job, Y/N, you're officially a victim of the hopeless crushes.

"Thanks, Corpse." I smile shyly, hoping he didn't pay too close attention on my face when he looked at my stream. Or even worse case scenarios, he's still looking at it now and can see me smiling like a dork. "But I'm nowhere near as cute or cool as Sykkuno."

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