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Corpse Husband x Outgoing!Reader (Female)

Warnings: None


Genre: Soft Fluff

Summary: Corpse, while streaming, receives a question about how his relationship with Y/N is going, considering the two of them have very different views on the outdoors.


I smile when Ken kills me in electrical, finally being allowed the chance to look through the lightning fast moving chat. My eyes only manage to catch some of the flying comments and even less of the account names, but I try to reply to them all. It's the least I can do to show my appreciation for these people. They are the kindest, most amazing, nicest and most supportive fanbase a YouTuber could ever ask for.

As I'm about to reply to another comment, I hear a familiar voice from down the hall call out to me. Well, speaking of kind, amazing, nice and supportive people...

"I'm going jogging with Chevy, babe!" my girlfriend of seven months, Y/N calls out to me.

"Alright, be safe!" I call back to her, smiling despite knowing she can't see me.

I wait to hear the front door shut before continuing with what I was doing. Now the comments are flooded with questions and greetings for Y/N. My smile widens when I read all the gushing and shipping that has now taken over my stream chat.

I always thought I wouldn't want to make my relationship public with my fans when I got in one. Spoiler alert: three months in, I could no longer keep my trap shut about her and how amazing she is. About how lucky I am. Y/N has always left those things up to me. She's never been the type to care who knows and who doesn't or what people say about her. She knows the true value of things and doesn't let other people's involvement change that. So when she gave me the green light, I dropped a bomb on my fans by posting a picture of her on my Instagram and captioning it: 'The love of my life'. Despite her carefree nature, she sat off social media for a good day or two until I coaxed her into giving in and accepting all the support and love my fandom was prepared to shower her with.

"Yeah, she's great. Chevy is too." When Y/N entered my life, she brought along her beauty of a husky - Chevy. I immediately fell in love with her, it was hard not to, she's a very smart and sweet dog and a lot friendlier and younger than she looks. She looks like she could kill you, but she's a cinnamon roll.

Y/N on the other hand looks like a cinnamon roll, but she could kill you.

"She loves you too. You make the both of us really happy. I hope you know that, guys." I feel genuine butterflies when I say that. It's been four months now and I still can't fathom all the love and support. It's unreal.

The Among Us round continues with no one susing the imposters that are keeping things on the down-low, suggesting this is gonna be a long and torturous round. I'm honestly glad for my death cause now I have the chance to interact with my fans more.

As I'm scanning the chat, my eyes land on a comment that is quite intriguing. I read it out loud: "How do you and Y/N make your relationship work with all the differences between you?"

I almost find it funny how people think that her love for the outdoors changes anything between us. "It doesn't pose as a hinderance of any kind. Obviously, we make compromise for one another every now and then. Like, sometimes I go with her on her jogs. Other times, instead of going out, she stays home to have a lazy movie evening with me. To be honest, I most like taking care of her when she forgets to do it herself. Like reminding her to put sunscreen on or treating her burns when she doesn't. Massaging her shoulders after a day of working out in nature. You know, things like that." I pause to take a sip of my water, hoping it will cool down my burning hot cheeks. "She has a way of storytelling, it can get me to catch at least a couple hours of sleep. She keeps track of how much time I spend staring at screens and makes sure I take breaks and not starve myself." I sigh in content, shaking my head with what I believe is disbelief, "I love her. I haven't said it to her yet, but I think she already knows. I'm just that obvious."

I get a little nervous of looking at the comments now. I wasn't planning this outpour of adoration from me, but I am sure my fans are going to understand how hard it is for me to keep such overwhelming emotions hidden and unexpressed.

"Corpse, buddy, not that we're complaining or anything, but could you mute your mic next time you plan to gush about your girlfriend. It's just that ten different fandoms are now gushing about you and her as well. You should see my chat right now." Felix laughs, making my face go even redder. "Lobby, can I get an amen?!"

"Amen!" the eight other people in the lobby agree in unison through laughter and teases.

Corpse Husband One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now