Silver Lining ⨀ *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing, Health Complications

Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff

Summary: It's not a good day for Corpse. He has been in extreme pain since the early hours of the morning. Body aches, headaches, nosebleeds, the whole nine yards. He tries to convince himself this isn't the first time, that he's been through worse. That the situation in general could be worse. He figures he's either bad at convincing or he is just hard to convince. Luckily for him, Y/N is the silver lining specialist.


He hasn't slept a wink, though to him that was nothing new. The pain torturing him isn't new either. It hasn't been this bad in a long while he kinda got used to having it easy. 'Easy' with a grain of salt. It seemed like that monstrosity attacking his health and taking bites out of him wanted to remind him that it was still there and that it still has the power to make him absolutely miserable. It's probably laughing at him right now, enjoying the view of him struggling under its effects that are in high gear - downright cruel and unforgiveable.

The pain started at around two AM that night. It wasn't anything he hadn't faced before. He was determined to not let it bother him up until the point his right arm started cramping so badly he couldn't even feel it as a part of him anymore. And now it's in a state where he can't move it at all. Thankfully though, the rest of his body is slowly getting back to him. The pain is still there, that's for sure, but the ton of Advil he knocked back like mints is doing a good job of keeping it mild and under control. For how long? - he can't be sure. He's just hoping it lasts till his girlfriend gets back. She's been sleeping at his apartment but her roommate called her yesterday for some issue with the pipes and how they both needed to be present for action to be taken or whatever so she was forced to leave. Corpse's superstitious side still strongly believes that this bad condition is caused by not having his lucky charm - Y/N around.

She's superhuman. Extra ordinary. Incredible. She's his listener, shoulder to cry on, adviser, nurse, psychiatrist, best friend, girlfriend. Soulmate. Who knew soulmates could be so different from one another. Y/N and Corpse have quite a few things in common but their differences outweigh their similarities. Guess there's also that phrase 'Opposites attract', but they're not opposites either. They share their more positive qualities: the kind, caring and sweet personality, the humor, the cute laughs, love for music, etc. They both kick ass in Among Us, so that's gotta count for something too, right?

She's the one taking better care of him than the doctors at the hospital he goes to. His heart still skips a beat when he remembers finding her at her desk at three in the morning, asleep with her head on her folded arms with her computer still on. That's when he saw what she was really doing - researching Fibromyalgia and ways to ease its symptoms. She has notepad where she writes down new facts she learns and makes sure to try every method, no matter how ridiculous it seems at first glance. Surprisingly, some of those methods did him well, others had no effect at all, and some he babied out of trying.

Y/N has the patience of an angel, God bless her. She's the one listening to his meaningless rants when he's in pain. She's the one holding a tissue to his nose during a nosebleed while he's talking with his hands. She does his eyeliner when his arms let him down and helps him with everything he needs throughout the day. Hell, when they met she couldn't scramble eggs for herself so she lived off of ramen noodles, but now she could cook four star meals and all he has to do is ask.

He never feels like he appreciates her enough and it's driving him nuts. He wishes he could show his love for her even more, but he can't think of a way how. She's told him on numerous occasions that she doesn't want anything in return, that she already has everything by having him and being able to call him her boyfriend. That didn't help him loosen up though. It only made him for eager to show his affection if anything.

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