Best Accidents *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: None

Genre: Fluff

Summary: Y/N and Corpse are performing their usual routine of her accompanying him on his Among Us stream. However, things take a turn when she accidentally reveals her presence, provoking dozens of questions from his friends and fans alike, inevitably forcing them to reveal their relationship to the internet.


I've been organizing my room all morning - being a college student isn't easy. Being a messy college student is even harder. I swing between not giving a damn to being a organizing freak within seconds and today I started the day with this insane urge to get everything in order so my boyfriend Corpse has been trying his best to stay out of my way cause when I clean I'm like a tornado - I sweep everything within sight. Can't blame him for being cautious, I'd be too.

And I'm finally done. It's all over. My room looks great, the sight of every item perfectly in its spot, every surface without a single spec of dust, it all makes my effort worth it. The only downside to these cleaning episodes is how deflated I feel afterwards, like the energy has been sucked out of me completely and all I can do is sit down, or preferably lie down and be a half-functioning human for the rest of the day.

I crash into a chair in the kitchen after picking up a soda can from the fridge. I crack the sucker open and take a sip, my senses barely registering it. What I don't fail to pick up on, however, is Corpse's voice that's coming from his recording room. I look at the time and smile - he's streaming. So instead of putting my body and mind on airplane mode here in this chair, I can do it in my boyfriend's lap while he plays Among Us with his friends while no one else suspects my presence. How cool is that?

I take the soda can with me as I lazily make my way down the hall and into the recording room, the door to which is always at least a crack open. I knock softly on the doorframe to alert him of my presence so I don't startle him. He turns his chair around and sends an adorable smile my way as well as a wave motioning for me to approach. I don't need to be told twice to do so as I basically skip over to him and carefully settle myself in his lap, leaving the can on his desk, a safe distance away from the edge and the keyboard.

"Hey." He mouths to me, quickly pecking my cheek.

"Hi." I reply with a cheeky smile, resting my forehead on his shoulder as my systems start slowly going on Power Saving Mode to save as much energy just to get me through the rest of the day.

I'm walking the fine line between sleep and consciousness, only catching maybe one third of what Corpse is saying. The discussions have been pretty heated all stream long. Of course, heated as in fueled by sibling rivalry. Given that my head is so close to the headset, I can hear a thing or two going on on the other ends of the call. I mostly hear Rae's voice, not surprisingly. She always makes me smile - not gonna lie, I watch her videos more than Corpse's, and I highly admire her. Corpse usually unplugs his headset so I can hear the conversations with some context, but he can tell how drained I am and how that many voices at once could only do me more harm than good so he has made the choice not to.

"No I'm keeping my earrings! Hold my damn chicken wings" See, now THAT with zero context, plus my mush of a brain that could find anything funny at this point is not a good combo. Why, you may ask. Oh maybe because I forget I'm not supposed to laugh until it's a second too late and I let out a snort that was probably picked up by the mic loud and clear.

Oh crap!

Corpse turns to look at me and I stare back at him with my eyes now wide, an expression that's a mix of confusion, terror and a silent apology is plastered on my face. I feel like a deer caught in the headlights of a car that has no time to stop anymore. It's already game over.

"Wait, Corpse was that you?" I hear a Sykkuno's voice through Corpse's headphones.

My face is burning with embarrassment, but there's still an opportunity to fix this. He can play it off and say that it was. That his mic glitched or something. ANYTHING.

I've never been nervous to go public. I left it up to Corpse from the very start and he hasn't brought it up once which is perfectly fine by me. This could be too soon for him. Throw him off, and it'll all be my fault.

There's something about the calmness of his face that makes me feel on edge. It's ridiculous, really, but I can't help it. However, when a smile grows on his face, I know there's nothing to worry about. At least for now. "Nah, I just forgot to mention I have company. She's not new, she's with me on 9/10 streams we do actually." His eyes shine up at me with I can only describe as adoration, "Everyone, I'd like to finally meet my amazing girlfriend Y/N."

He gives me a slight encouraging nod towards the mic and I inhale shakily, "Hi guys! Nice to finally meet you all." I don't know how long this composure of mine will last, I just hope it doesn't let me down mid-sentence and leave me a stuttering mess in front of some of the coolest people ever.

"Wait, Corpse, how long have you been keeping this from us?"

"How dare you keep such a secret?"

"Oh my God hi, nice to meet you! Corpse, how dare you!"

"SYKKUNO HOLD MY EARRINGS AGAIN IMMA FIGHT HIM FOR THIS. And hi Y/N, I'm gonna interview you later, sweetie."

Oh boy...yikes. The energy is off the charts, but certainly not in Corpse's favor. It's safe to say I've landed him in some hot water. With Rae's comment in mind, I think I'll be boiling in the same pot.

"I'm sorry." I mouth to him, my face twisted in an apologetic wince.

"It's ok." He mouths back, "I was gonna tell you eventually. I swear" he says out loud for his friends, who are still losing their crap, to hear him.

This only adds gasoline to the flames, the round of Among Us completely forgotten by now. I don't pay much attention, though. I'm preparing for my interview with Corpse's big sister.

Let's hope she goes easy on me cause Lord, dang it, my brain is still only half functioning.

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