The Same Amount Of Fragile ⨀ *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing, Panic Attack, Phonophobia (fear of shouting and loud noises), Mentions of traumatic past


Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort

Summary: Corpse is having an anger episode, triggered by an unpleasant event that happened earlier during the day. He has told Y/N to stay away from him whenever he's going through those moments where his entire energy is converted into rage, but she can't. No one can stand aside and watch a loved one struggle, even if there's a possibility of them being hurt.


I can't believe some people. Sometimes the world is so cruel and frustrating I...I just don't have the words to describe it. It sickens me to think that ruining a person's life and provoking a sense of distrust and insecurity in them is totally worth it when you get plenty of attention in return. If it drags the spotlight on you, it doesn't matter how immoral or fucked up your deed was. All publicity is good publicity in this day and age, but not for everyone. Some like being in the unlit section of the stage, far from the vulnerability that spotlight brings. Sadly, some of the people in the shadows are prepared to do anything to get in that line of glorified light. Maybe even push people who'd rather remain in the dark into the front row, just to prove that they can. Just to prove themselves entertaining or superior.

And those people are the ones I've always had a strong distaste towards. Now, distaste is not a strong enough term. I despise them.

Earlier today, Corpse wanted to accompany me to grab lunch from McDonald's. I tried to tell him that he doesn't have to go places with me if he doesn't want to just to please me, but he seemed like he genuinely wanted to come with me and leave the house. It was quite odd of him to do so - often times I'm the one suggesting he accompany me to a secluded and away-from-people area for a nice walk or a mild hike. It's always an offer and I never try to convince or talk him into complying and it's a very 50/50 percent chance that he may accept. He has never suggested though, so that's why I was a bit hesitant.

I was originally planning to walk there, go in and place an order instead of taking the car and going through the drive-thru, but I changed my mind when I got Corpse as my plus one. McDonald's is a rather busy place and not only would he be super exposed there, but our relationship would be too. We've been dating in secret, sort of. His friends know about us but not his fans, and only my closest two friends know that I have a boyfriend, but not who it is. Corpse has told me he doesn't care who knows, but he also doesn't want to put a lot of pressure on me by making us public, which I find very sweet of him. He has mentioned he wants the whole world to know, but not before I'm ready for it.

He didn't object to taking the car instead of walking, he knew this was way out of his comfort zone already. During the entire car ride we almost forgot we were outside of the house. That tends to happen when we're together - our surroundings just disappear and the only thing there is unconditional love, support and trust. Only us. Oh, and his teasing of my music taste but we're not gonna talk about that.

Just our luck, the drive-thru was closed for some unknown reason so my first plan wasn't completely changed, seeing as how we had to go in the restaurant. Assuming Corpse would stay in the car, I mumbled a quick 'I'll be back in 20 probably' giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before undoing my seatbelt. Consider me more than surprised when he took my hand just as I was about to exit the car.

"I'm not gonna sit here like a kid waiting for his mom to come out of the grocery store." He smiles, "I'm coming with you." I stared at him suspiciously for almost thirty seconds, or until he put an end to it by getting out of the car, circling around it and opening the door on my side, "Are you coming or do you want us to starve to death?"

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