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Corpse Husband x Blind Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: One doesn't need sight to see through their loved one. Actually, there are subtle things we can only pick up on when we don't rely on the eyes. They are known to deceive. And Y/N is a clear example of how much insight one can have on a lover while only relying on their voice and words.


"Did you bring them?" Jack asks excitedly, his voice rising above the chatter in the Discord call when Corpse joins. I am seated next to him, legs and arms crossed, feeling like a mafia boss ready to fuck up his career. He knows it too.

"Yeah, they're here. Everyone, I'd like you to meet my partner, Y/N." Corpse introduces me to his friends, allowing for a wave of good vibes to hit me when they all start greeting me like we're old friends.

While Corpse and I have been dating for five months now, our relationship wasn't public until a month or so ago. And when I say public I'm only referring to his friend group who he told on accident over a game of Among Us. I still crack up and laugh whenever I think back to how guilty he was for 'ratting us out'. He couldn't accept the 'horrible' thing he had done. It took me a long-ass time to convince him I was totally ok with it, I was even relieved to hear people knew about us finally. It felt like we were running a secret OP the whole time and I was honestly beginning to get a bit worried that Corpse was embarrassed of me and wouldn't want his friends to know about me. I still can't get over how ridiculous that thought process was and how it genuinely kept me up at night for almost a week straight. I never brought it up to him, but my worries are no longer there - Corpse has done all to make them evaporate and he doesn't even know it.

"Hi everyone! I've heard tons about you all and I'm so excited to finally meet you!" I'm not nervous in the slightest. I feel like I already know each and every one of them based not only what Corpse has told me but also because of the dozens of videos of theirs I listen to whenever I'm writing a column that's stressing me out. I write book reviews for a small magazine on the rise, but sometimes I'm given the task to write about some events that have been going on in the US in the past 24 hours. Not all of them are always pleasant and this group of people is the reason I manage to stay calm while writing.

"We've heard plenty about you too! I asked Corpse not to tell you, but I have to spill the beans cause I'm seriously fangirling right now!" Hearing Rae's very familiar enthusiasm fill Corpse's recording room brings a wide smile to my face. Not that I'm picking favorites or anything, but if I had to, she'd be my number one. "I buy Focal Magazine just for your column and I never miss a video of yours! You are my favorite YouTuber of all time! I'm sorry I'm rambling I'm just a little nervous right now. I'm sorry I'll shut up now."

This girl is trying to melt me right now, I swear. I'm so freaking honored!

"That's such an honor, Rae, thank you! You're the sweetest! Your videos never fail to make me smile and lift my spirits. Consider me addicted!" I reply, clapping my hands together, feeling all giddy and filled with wild butterflies.

And that YouTube channel she mentioned - I've been a content creator for almost as long as Corpse has. I'm a person with a lot of opinions and I never hesitate to share said opinions, no matter how large the crowd or who that crowd consists of. I realized I have a lot to say when I started listening to audio books. They relax me and send my mind wandering into positive directions instead of the dark places that reside within everyone. I choose to focus on the good, and audio books give me that one extra push towards that positivity I need.

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