Smack Talk *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: All it took for Corpse's fanbase to fall in love with his partner Y/N was one game of Among Us on proximity chat. Thought they are not the most skilled of players at any game whatsoever, they are fan-favorites and are constantly requested to be guests on the stream. However, the positivity can't exist without some haters, but Corpse is there to put them in their place.


"Hey babe, are you busy today?" Corpse pokes his head in my room where I'm revising a chapter from my college lecture. It's a rainy Saturday afternoon so there's not much for me to do. I'd typically go out for a jog or to run errands, but the inconvenience of carrying an umbrella is enough to keep me at home, feeling like a caged tiger. Therefore, in order to remain sane while Corpse is streaming, I have to keep myself busy.

I too am a streamer but of a different kind. I'm a med student and I use YouTube as a streaming platform to share all my knowledge with people who watch my videos - I answer viewer's questions, I give advice and bust medical myths. Dr. Mike was my motivation to start offering my insight on medicine, fitness and health to people who are willing to listen and learn something new. I've been doing it for almost a year now and though I'm aware there's still a lot left for me to learn - and truth be told, a med student never stops learning - I keep track of the info I fail to give and do my research so I still can answer the question. Seeing people thank me for my help, saying I 'saved their lives' is the sweetest, most uplifting thing, an immense encouragement that keeps me going even when I'm at the lowest of low points or experiencing burn-out.

"No, why? What's up?" I lift my head from where I had literally buried it in yesterday's notes.

"Ok, I know what you're gonna say, but hear me out..." He raises his hands up as if calming a tiger ready to pounce, a small nervous smile on his face. My eyebrows shoot up as a sign of confusion as well as intrigue as I await for him to go on, "The fans are asking for you again."

Oh boy, this won't bode well for me.

I'm not what you'd consider a gamer. Unless Tetris counts - I'm a pro at Tetris because I think ahead probably more than I should. I suck at video games of any and all kinds which is the main reason I avoid playing with or in front of people. I try and get away with the 'I'm busy' excuse, which works 98% of the time considering I'm a med student, but that 2% when it doesn't I'm in for a serious embarrassment like the one I experienced when I played with Corpse and his friends for the first time.

Among Us - the game I'm worse at than any other game. I'm a horrible liar, not to mention that I can't even do tasks because I'm constantly on edge, mildly terrified when another person enters the room I'm in. I can't defend myself when the actual impostor is throwing the blame on me, most times I just end up laughing which makes matters worse for me, resulting in me getting ejected.

With all this taken into consideration Corpse's fans still want me to participate in the streams. They love me for some reason! I see so many nice things said about mine and Corpse's relationship every day! It never fails to amaze me with how surreal it all is. I am yet to wrap my brain around everything because it all came so suddenly.
Corpse and I met when I reached out to him and asked if he'd like to be guest on one of my streams to discuss Fibromyalgia as an illness that doesn't get talked about enough so he could share his experience with it and I could give 'professional' medical insight. He was kind enough to accept my offer and we connected via Discord for a livestream approximately half a year ago, maybe more. We texted plenty before and after the stream, remaining in touch for a while before he brought up the idea of meeting in person. He had already asked me to join him and his friends for a game of Among Us a few times but I had declined on the 'busy with school' grounds.

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