Timid * ⨀

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: None

Genre: FLUFF


"What if they don't like me?" I am fully aware I sound like an irrational toddler right now. And yes, I'm aware this is probably the fiftieth time I've asked this question in the past three hours. God bless Corpse for putting up with it and answering patiently, sweetly and comfortingly every single one of those fifty times.

"They won't like you, Y/N. They'll love you." He takes my hands in his, kneeling down in front of the couch where I'm sitting with my thoughts eating away at me.

"How can you be so sure? Plus, you're biased as all hell! Just cause you like me doesn't mean they will too." I frown, pouting my lower lip as my mind races with dozens of possible scenarios and reactions I may receive.

Corpse has told me a lot about his friends. I know how highly he thinks of them and how much their opinion means to him. I get the feeling that's mutual and valid for every member of the circle. I also get the feeling his friends are super protective of him, which doesn't bode well for me. I'm far from a bad person, if that's what you're thinking. No, I'm just a nervous person with tons of irrational fears. I swear, I'm afraid they'll deem me unworthy of dating Corpse because of a parking ticket. And I've never even gotten a damn parking ticket! Also no, I don't see his friends as superior, judgmental overlords or anything. My anxiety over meeting them is just a reflection of my forever-present insecurities that I'm not good enough for Corpse. I have gotten it stuck in my head that everyone agrees with me on that. Everyone knows Corpse could do better, but no one wants to say it.

"I'm sure cause I know you and I know them. What could possibly happen when one amazing, wonderful, kind, lovely person meets a group of people of the same quality? I'll tell you what - it'll be freaking awesome. They'll love you and you'll become friends with all of them." He speaks enthusiastically and energetically, like he has had a bit too much coffee today. "By the way, how come you don't ask if you'll like them? Not that I think you won't. I'm just curious."

I can't help but scoff. "That's because I know I'll love them. How can I not love the people who mean so much to you?" I would go on a rant but Corpse is giving me this look he gives me when he wins a bickering session or proves his point. "What?"

"See, that's exactly what I'm talking about! How could THEY not love someone who means so much to me? The person who's my literal world." I open my mouth to cut him off, but he holds his hand up, pointer finger in the air to prevent me from doing so, "Yes, it's cheesy, I know. It doesn't make it any less true either way."

This is not an discussion I can win, saying anything would just prolong Corpse's point-proving and I'd like to get away with as little of that as possible. I don't wanna admit the defeat either, you probably mistook me for someone more mature, so I just sit in silence, giving him this narrow-eyed stare.

He's looking back at me, quiet as well for a few moments before surprising me with a quick peck on the lips. He grins at me when he pulls away, "It's settled then. Come on, let's hop in the call." He stands up to his feet and I'm quick to follow.

"Let me just get the desk chair from..." I trail off as I turn to leave the room. His hand takes hold of mine before I can though. "I'm not running away, I swear!"

He has the audacity to laugh as he pulls me towards him, our bodies colliding. "Since when are you so bougie as to sit in your own chair?" His comment makes my cheeks go red. At least no one heard that. Come to think of it, no one's gonna know if I sit in his lap as I normally do. So I oblige and settle in his lap once he sits down in his chair.

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