Doodles *

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Corpse Husband x Animator Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: When Y/N refuses to take a break on her own terms, Corpse decides to take matters into his own hands. He succeeds eventually don't worry - not without Y/N complaining about how she has 'so much work to do' though.


"Ok, give me a list of things you've eaten today." I stand in Y/N's workroom doorway, leaning against the doorframe with my arms crossed over my chest like a disappointed parent. She's across the room from me and her back is facing me and I can still see the dark circles under her bloodshot eyes.

She thinks I don't notice. She thinks I have no idea she goes to bed and stays until I 'fall asleep' and then sneaks back to her workroom to waste her braincells, sanity, eyesight and life away. I'm friends with a few animators and I'm by no means a stranger to the hard work of a YouTube animator, but what Y/N is doing is crossing every line of rationality. I have tried to put my foot down and coax her into getting some rest or actually eating something instead of just knocking back energy drinks and coffee.

"An apple and..." I see her muscles tense even more as she's trying to come up with something to say, "Oatmeal?"

I already know she hasn't had anything but said apple but the way she said 'oatmeal' - as though she's asking me if she ate it - gives it away 100%

"You. Are. Unbelievable." I say, putting extra emphasis on every word before sighing and leaving...for now at least.

I go downstairs and flick the kitchen lights on. Tying an apron behind my back, I rack through my brain, looking for a quick, nutritious recipe that I might have made in the past. Thankfully, Y/N isn't the pickiest of eaters, the problem is getting her to leave her desk so she can eat. Not to brag or anything, but I've gotten pretty good at feeding her. I'd say I would make a great parent as well.

After about five minutes of pondering, I open the fridge to get some inspiration and see the carton of eggs I bought this morning. Ok, sue my lack of creativity, but that girl needs a meal ASAP and this is not only the quickest and easiest meals to prepare - it's also one of her favorites. It also doesn't involve foil so that's a plus.

She keeps it simple - just eggs so it's even quicker to prepare. I chop up some vegetables for a side salad and DINNER IS DONE. My grip on the tray is pretty promising, given my arms have been doing well as of recent, so I'm only mildly cautious while carrying the food up the stairs.

I make one step in her room but she doesn't acknowledge my presence because of how entranced she is in her work. I have no idea how she does it. I bet her brain has the same consistency as mashed potatoes right now, yet her hand is moving so gracefully as though it has a mind of its own and is completely confident in what it's doing.

My eyes fly over her desk just as I'm about to make my presence known. The state of it stops me the second I open my mouth, however. It's absolutely, horrifyingly messy which is super out of character for Y/N. She is known to be the one entering my recording room just to put everything in order. This mess right here is concerning. I can only assume she won't move from bed at least three days after finishing the video she's working on. I've seen her in a phase of burn-out before and that was after half the work she's putting in right now. She needed two days to recover. I can only imagine how snappy and dead she'll be after this torture.

Carefully and discreetly, I make my way out of the room, never getting sused by her. I power walk to my room and leave the tray on my desk. I was in the middle of editing the final version of a long awaited narration video when I realized that I hadn't heard anything from Y/N in the past three hours so I grew worried and ditched the editing.

Once the tray is on my desk I waltz back in her workroom, clearing my throat as to not freak her out when I do what I have in mind.

"Alright, you're coming with me..." I say nonchalantly as I literally scoop her out of her chair with her letting out a yelp.

"Corpse! Put me down! I love you too, but I have a lot of work to do!" She makes no attempts to free herself from my arms, given that she probably wouldn't land on her feet if I dropped her. In fact, she wraps her limbs around me like a koala. "Pretty please."

"No way." I reply, shaking my head and avoiding her pleading gaze as I carry her to my recording room.

I sit down in my chair, carefully settling her in my lap. I reach around her, pushing the chair closer to the desk so I can grab the knife and fork on the try. I cut a piece of the omelette, tilting the fork upwards. I hear her sigh before she obliges and takes a bite.

"Fine, you've got me. I'll eat. But I'm going right back to work when I'm done." She says, taking the silverware from me after she puts the pen she uses for drawing behind her ear. She probably forgot to leave it when I took her from her workplace, or should I say torture chamber and took it with her.

I scoff, "That's where you're wrong, babe. After this, you're taking a nap and that's final." I brace for her complaining which, to no one's surprise, comes right away.

"I have like three more scenes left! I won't sleep well knowing my work is unfinished!"

I get an idea. A really REALLY good idea.

"Hold on." I minimize my editor and open MS Paint, "What are these scenes supposed to look like?"

I can't see her face but I can just imagine the wide smile that she's wearing right now. "You're not serious!" She giggles, confirming mu assumption as correct.

"Deadass, what are the scenes supposed to be like?" I hold back from cracking up, maintaining my cool tone.

I hear her sigh and see her head shake a little in what I can only guess to be defeat. "Ok so..." She begins describing the scenes to me and I messily draw what she tells me with terribly un-straight lines, turning her usually vibrant and upbeat avatar dressed in colorful clothes in a blue stick-figure, looking like a first grader's drawing if the kid was told to draw a scene from the Smurfs.

After approximately fifteen minutes, she's done with her dinner. She quickly climbs out of my lap and gives me a satisfied smug smirk. Just as I open my mouth to scold and complain, she settles back down, this time sitting with her legs on either side of me, her face buried in the crook of my neck.

"You know..." she mumbles against my skin, "Your drawings aren't too bad. I'll add them in the animation with a voiceover. It'll look decent."

Her voice is going up and down in volume, suggesting she's fighting against the slumber that's taking hold of her. That claim of the drawings I made being 'not so bad' is absolute bullshit - but that's the only way I'll get her to admit she's dying to get some sleep.

I smile to myself and the achieved victory. "If you say so, babe." I tilt my head, placing a kiss at the side of her head. "I love you."

I barely make out her response "I love you" seeing as how she somehow managed to squeeze it in the last moments of being conscious. A second or two later, she's out like a light. I dim the brightness of my computer screen which is the only light source in the room and go back to editing, my mind at ease now that I know Y/N is fed and is catching up on some rest. The fact that she's in my embrace, her soft breath caressing my skin, her scent inhabiting the air, is a bonus I greatly appreciate

Corpse Husband One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now