Tattoos Together *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: When Y/N says she has a surprise, Corpse can only have so many guesses. None of which prove to be correct. That being said, you can only imagine his reaction to what she shows him.


"Hey Corpse could you come here for a sec?!" Y/N, Corpse's girlfriend of two years calls out to him from their shared bedroom down the hall.

Corpse is snapped out of his thoughts when her voice reaches him through the headphones he didn't realize were no longer playing music. It's tough for him to notice things when he gets in that deep working headspace he frequents whenever he's got a video he's really looking forward to posting. This happens to be the one for the six year anniversary of having his YouTube channel (Vy: Yeah, I know it's in July, but pls bare with me here LMAO) and it just so happens that him and Y/N met on the exact date four years later.

She was working at the laundromat down the street from his apartment building at the time. He was forced to go there due to the crashing and burning of the washing machines in his complex. Yes, literally crashing and burning - there was a small fire that luckily didn't spread out of the laundry quarters of the complex. He wasn't at all pleased by the idea of going there but chores had to be done and he could only wear the same hoodie and jeans for so long.

Luckily for him, Y/N was the only person there. To be fair, not many people seemed to ever stop by this run down place. It was a surprise it was still running. The worker couldn't be bothered to even raise her head to look at him which he found fair, considering she was reading a Stephen King novel. Seeing an opportunity to slip by without saying anything, he grew a bit relieved. That was only momentary relief, however, since right after he felt it, he suddenly got an urge to be a decent human being and exchange a few words with the only other living creature in the room. Not that she looked interested in talking or anything, he just was the right thing to do???

"What's your biggest fear?" He blurted out, voice unintentionally dropping to an even more ominous degree than usual.

He regretted it immediately, half expecting the girl to call the cops on him or chase him out, smacking him with the book maybe once or twice. The book was pretty big, so he'd rather have the cops called than be given a concussion.

Much to his surprise, though, the girl didn't bat an eye before answering, "That one day I might wake up with amnesia." She turned a page, "What's yours?"

He was stunned. He didn't expect her to 1. answer; 2. be serious; 3. be so specific. Corpse had never had people catch onto his vibe so quickly and easily before, this was quite the pleasant surprise for him. He could not swim in his head for much longer, considering the girl finally lifted her head to give him a raised questioning eyebrow as a silent 'The fuck is up with you?'

He shook his head, snapping out of it, "Um...that I'll lose my voice one day."

A grin spread across her face, the brightness of it enough to outshine the sun. He could now see her black lipstick and red eyeliner and mascara - the darkness of her makeup contrasting with her shiny eyes and pearl teeth. "So memory loss and loss of voice. Crazy how people can be so alike sometimes, huh?"

And the conversation just took a life of its own, swerving in a much more philosophical direction than he had anticipated it would. The girl, who revealed to be named Y/N was a joy to talk to. She appeared edgy and angst like a teenager straight from MySpace, but he had never met anyone like her - bright-eyed, looking forward to better days in the future while only half resenting the present 'fuck-up of a life' she was living. They ended up talking until closing hours which were around 10 PM when they were both forced to leave the place and part ways, not before exchanging numbers. In the end, Corpse not only got home with a basket of clean clothes, but a cute girl's number in his phone and a big-ass grin on his face. Oh and a voice recording of her reading some lines from a viewer submission cause he thought her voice's interlude would work well with the story. Yeah, and he didn't even have to convince her too much, only that it was nothing inappropriate. He also directed her to his YouTube channel in case she was into the horror genre which, no surprise, she was.

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