The Audacity!*

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Sequel to angelic imposter

Corpse Husband x Young Narrator Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: Fluff


I'm in the middle of connecting wires in Storage when the game informs me that the comms have been sabotaged. I can't help but roll my eyes at the inconvenience and at the danger this poses. This would be a very easy kill for the impostors but the comms are too darn important to not be tended to. Being so close to Communications, I simply feel obligated to go and assist the situation.

As I walk in I am met with Sykkuno, Toast, Jack and Corpse piled together by the comms. I don't want to appear shady or anything so I go stand with them to fix the sabotage. Just as I'm about to do so, Felix waltzes in and joins our pile. Right then and there the animation of my death plays on my screen, leaving me in utter shock and disbelief. However, the avatar that commits my murder is not Felix's. It's the black astronaut of Corpse.

Oh that motherfucker. Smart move, though, I must admit.

My body gets reported almost instantly and I sit in silence, watching my monitor with narrowed eyes and listening to the discussion that ultimately ends with Felix's butt being ejected from the ship. Mad respect for him - he stood his ground till the very end, never letting up on his accusations at Corpse. He even voted for him as a last bit of protest to everyone not believing him.

We immediately start chatting, making fun of the situation.

Me ~ I swear on vengeance

F ~ We'll kill him when we're impostors lol

Me ~ Nah I mean irl lmao

Despite the fact that he killed me, I'm lowkey rooting for him to win this round. It takes a whole lot of skill and intelligence to pull off kills like that and he deserves a win for that alone.

Also cause I'm a bit biased due to other factors but...

Eventually, to my disappointment, Corpse is ejected, landing us crewmates the win. The word 'VICTORY' is lighting up my screen but I don't feel so victorious. Not until I fulfill my need for revenge.

"Ok Corpse, listen up!" I say when we are all transported back to the lobby, "I don't know where you got THE AUDACITY to kill ME of all people during a FREAKING STACK-KILL but you are TERRIBLY mistaken if you think I'm gonna let it slide!" I go off, snapping my fingers at the end for extra emphasis.

I get a few 'Oooof's and 'DAMN's, also Rae trying to suppress laughter while saying, "I can't take her seriously! She's such a marshmallow!" probably thinking she's muted.

As I'm about to complain about the comparison she used, Corpse decides to drop his two cents in the conversation. "Oh really? And what are you gonna do about it exactly?" His voice is giving him away - clearly showing he's desperately trying to prevent himself from cracking up while maintaining an equally threatening tone to mine.

I scrunch up my face as a grin spreads across my it, I'm talking ear-to-ear. "So you wanna taunt me, huh? Not a smart move, buddy!"

"I see how it is - all bark no bite." Corpse replies mischievously, "Doesn't sound like much of a bark either though."

This guy was born with the ability to poke a stick at people like an expert. If it were someone who didn't know him as well as I do, they'd be offended which I find ridiculous. How could this man ever REALLY offend anyone?!

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