One Decision At A Time *

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Corpse Husband x Latino Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing (maybe)

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Y/N and Corpse have been dating for a while now and have only recently moved in together as the next big step in their relationship. This proves to Corpse that he's still got plenty to learn about his significant other, cause they're full of surprises.


Y/N and I have been dating for about ten months now. They are an absolutely amazing person that I never thought I'd deserve to have in my life as a friend, let alone a significant other. I guess some things are just meant to be even when you deem them impossible. Like our chance meeting for example.

I was sitting in the waiting room of the ER, one arm completely unmoving and a pounding headache slowly eating away at my sanity when two distressed people came in, clearly in desperate need of help. One of the nurses rushed to their aid but much to her dismay they didn't know English so there was no way they could communicate. I would have stepped in and helped, considering they were speaking Spanish, had I been able to understand at least half of what they were saying - not only were they speaking really quickly, but my headache was affecting all my senses to the point where I couldn't even speak, hear or see clearly. The confused nurse motioned for the couple to wait a bit before frantically disappearing around a corner and returning with another nurse shortly after. The other nurse spoke fluent Spanish, more slowly and clearly and I managed to understand that the couple had wandered down the wrong hall while in search for a loved one that had been in a car accident a few hours prior.

Once the couple was given the proper directions the non-Spanish speaking nurse walked off while the other one crashed on the couch in the waiting room, resting their forehead in the palm of their hand, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"No te estreses." I managed to get out with a dry mouth mind still in shambles. I got a random wave of sympathy for them, they looked like they were having a really bad day which they probably were. How can a person have a good day working at an ER?

They chuckled, lifting their head to look at me with a tired smile on their face, "I wish I could not stress, but I've been here for..." They trailed off, looking at their watch, "thirty-eight hours now and I haven't eaten a thing." The first thing I noticed as they spoke was the pleasantness of their voice as well as the accent and tone. Their throat was no doubt a bit hoarse, so they spoke softly but I still managed to notice the Spanish accent. "How long have you been waiting?"

"Half an hour." I replied, shrugging the only shoulder I could move, "I'm a regular so they don't really bother taking me as a priority. They know my issue." When they gave me a raised eyebrow I hurried to clarify, "Fibromyalgia. Not much that can be done." I once again shrugged my shoulder.

A concerned frown appeared on their face, all exhaustion suddenly gone as they went back to their previous stance of a dedicated nurse. "You must be in pain. Come with me, I can connect you to an ivy of painkillers right away, but it may take a while for a doctor to check on you." They stood up and waved for me to follow as they took off down the hall with rather fast steps.

I was so relieved to finally be laying down, at ease now that I was certain that whatever they inserted into my arm would help ease the pain at least temporarily. Any help offered was help I was more than willing to take.

"They are strong meds so they might knock you out, but I don't have much insight about your condition so I'd be happy if you could stay awake." They said, putting their hands together as they stepped away from the bed I was laying in.

Corpse Husband One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now