Steal My Girl *

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Corpse Husband x Brazilian Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing (maybe)

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Corpse's roommate Y/N joins him for a game of Among Us with his friends and let's just say Corpse had no idea that this would happen - the entire lobby starts simping for her, getting Corpse a bit jealous.


It's been a very slow day - one of those that you hope it'd just end. I constantly catch myself checking the time, expecting it to be way later than it actually is and being disappointed at how slowly the minutes are passing me by. Silly of me to think a day off would be nice. Wrong! I've never felt more useless and like a slob. I genuinely wish I was at work right now. There is absolutely nothing for me to do and it's frustrating me to the bone. Sure, I could bother my roommate Corpse, but he is actually busy and has things to do while I'm stuck here without the slightest clue of how to spend my time and overwhelming amount of energy. I have been scrolling through the timeline on all my socials since I woke up, feeling like the most unproductive person in existence. That's a big struggle of mine - not being productive. I know I could read a book, but my work-corrupted brain doesn't find that to be productive enough for my guilty conscience to leave me alone. No, I have to do something that 'matters' or helps another human being otherwise I'll be left restless.

"Hey, why do you look so aggravated?" Corpse startles the hell out of me when he enters the kitchen where I'm currently looking for recopies online to try and make but with our minimalistic groceries at my disposal, I can't make anything but toast or scrambled eggs. Yes, Corpse and I are both in our mid-twenties, out of college, with jobs, while still living the college lifestyle with a high school mindset. That's what I like to call maturity. Oh yeah, I could go to the store and buy groceries! That's what adults do! "More than usual is what I'm trying to say."

I give him the finger and an eye roll before answering him, "I'm dying of boredom over here and you think this is the right time to be bugging me? I mean, sure, a fight could kill my boredom for, what?, five minutes before I have you tackled to the floor?" I wave my hand dismissively, "Then it just gets boring."

He chuckles, taking the phone out of my hand and holds it above his head mockingly, "Aha, yeah, ok. And here I was trying to offer you a pastime so you don't drive yourself crazy. So much for trying to be a good friend."

I roll my eyes yet again as I push up on my toes, tugging on his sleeve to lower his arm and retrieve my phone. "I'd be intrigued if I wasn't so annoyed right now. Plus..." I groan when he raises his arm even higher, "I'm planning on going grocery shopping."

He's unbothered by the fact that I've literally climbed atop him at this point, "We'll go together tomorrow. How about we play Among Us instead?"

"No way! You know I'm shy, Corpse. I don't need thousands of eyeballs on me." I finally manage to grab the phone but I can't, for the life of mine, get him to release it. Though, I guess that's a good thing cause if he were to let go, I'd go flying backwards.

He wraps an arm around my back, "We're not streaming anymore, just a friendly intimate game of Among Us between friends. Toast left us, so you can hop in. Come on, Y/N." Suddenly, an evil smirk appears on his face as though he's gotten an idea, "Agree and you're getting your phone back."

Now, I'm far from a phone addicted person. However, my job depends on that piece of technology. Everything important is on there. As well as a lot of embarrassing stuff I wouldn't want Corpse to see. To my dismay, he knows my unlock pattern. When or why I revealed it to him is not a piece of info I can find in my brain, at least not at the moment. So, with his grip and overall strength he's at an obvious advantage here, therefore, the only way to save my dignity is to agree.

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