Perfect Plans * ⨀

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Corpse Husband & Teen!Reader (Female): Father-daughter relationship

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: Fluff, A tiny bit of Angst


"Wait, Sykkuno, why'd you switch the lobby to public?" Rae asks, interrupting me from scrolling through my chat as I await the next round of Among Us to start. We lost Toast due to technical difficulties so the gang has been looking for someone to fill in for him so we can have a full lobby.

I look up just in time to see a little astronaut detach from the seats against the walls of the lobby. The astronaut is cyan with the name of Y/AU/N and it's clearly not someone we know cause they send a message in the game chat instead of hopping in our Discord call.

Y/AU/N ~ Hi

"It was on accident. I can kick them if you want." Sykkuno replies apologetically.

Everyone is indecisive for a second, no one has an opinion - or they do but they aren't sure if they should share it. I, on the other hand, am not too bothered by this. I actually think this is a nice little change since we've never done this before.

~ Hi ~ I reply to the person in the chat.

"Wait Corpse, what are you doing?" Rae speaks up, sounding baffled, "Shouldn't we kick them? We have no idea who they are."

"Come on, Rae. How bad could it be? The most they can do is cheat the game and if they do we can still kick them. What do you guys say?"

After a bit more contemplating Sykkuno starts the game, with the new player still in the lobby. Surprisingly enough, I'm not an impostor this round nor was I in the passed rounds we played which is rather odd but not unheard of. My problem is that I often get killed off among the first of the crewmates - being an impostor gives me a sense of immunity and security.

I check my task list and roll my eyes at the sight off the infamous Card Swipe. Sure, I have gotten significantly better at it although I can't help but laugh when I recall the times when I struggled to do it to an infuriating degree.

After easily completing it I head down to Shields and then up to Navigation where I see Y/AU/N who is apparently doing a task as well. Not gonna lie, I'm a bit hesitant to walk in but I see Rae and Sykkuno coming in from the other hallway so I feel a bit safer and go to do my task.

Big mistake.

Rae and Sykkuno deliver their signature double kill, leaving mine and Y/AU/N's headless bodies on the ground. As if following an unsaid agreement, Rae vents and Sykkuno reports the body. I might be a bit bummed to have gotten killed so early in the round but I'm by no means surprised. It's not a rare occurrence.

"Bodies in Navigation. A double kill, most likely." Sykkuno says nonchalantly and is not heard the rest of the meeting while the rest throw blame at one another.

I see the chat-box icon light up with an orange dot above it. I open it to see a message from the only other dead person - yes, they are the only other dead person so far.

Y/AU/N ~ That was smooth

Y/AU/N ~ gg well played

I snicker as I reply ~ they do that often

The answer comes almost right away:

Y/AU/N ~ u guys r so cool

Y/AU/N ~ youtubers names on point lol

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