Fooled Me *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: None

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: A new player is introduced into the Among Us streaming clique - a very sweet, kind, adorable friend of Rae's who aspires to be a streamer. And who also is a really bad liar ALLEGEDLY.


UPLOADER NOTE: this is one of my favs lol


"I have someone I could call if you guys want." I hear Rae suggest while I read the chat of my stream, only partially paying attention to what's going on in the call where people are discussing who to call to fill the spot Felix left when he had to leave us because of something he had forgotten to do - poor guy said Marzia would kill him, so F in the chat for him.

Yeah people are still spamming Fs in my chat for Felix but there are still some comments that I'd like to read out loud and give a shoutout to the people who sent them in while we take this short in-between rounds break. I don't really mind anyone they may or may not invite, I've grown more comfortable with meeting new people. I now consider Among Us my home terrain and anyone who dares enter my territory should fear me. I'm just kidding, of course. Or am I?

"Sure, bring em in." Sykkuno gives Rae the go-ahead for inviting whoever she has in mind.

I'm tampering with the sound settings of the stream after I saw some people saying they couldn't hear the discussions well, when Rae speaks up again.

"Ok everyone, I'd like you to meet my friend Y/N!" she announces excitedly.

In the state of autopilot my brain is currently in, I have a hard time comprehending new information or responding to people outside the chat section. That's one of the reasons why this unfamiliar voice that suddenly appeared in the call stunned me the slightest bit.

"Hi!" It's friendly a greeting, giving off shy vibes based on the tone it's said in. "It's so nice to meet you all!" The voice is female and a perfect combination of timid and bold, all the while sweet and pleasant to listen to.

We give her a warm, friendly welcome as we do for each and every guest. She's quick to warm up to us and relax. One could literally hear the shyness and nervousness melt away as if she is finally convinced we're all just human and not people she should break a sweat over. We sort of got carried away in chatting, forgetting the game of Among Us we even recruited her for as everyone asks her questions to get to know her better.

"Well, cause I'm still in college I have only a part-time waitressing job on the side. I'd like to get into streaming though, but I can't seem to ever bring myself to sit down and press record, you know?." She giggles, answering Sykkuno's question of if she's been able to find a job with her animation major despite not having a degree yet. "Editing for a YouTuber would be fun too."

"She's edited many videos for me!" Rae pipes in, "And I've tried talking her into trying out streaming, but that's the downside of being friends since childhood - she's immune to my persuasions!"

"Sorry Rae-Rae, but you have no power here!" Y/N deepens her voice in an attempt to sound more ominous and powerful, but she only ends up sounding more adorable, to the point where it almost crack me up.

"You mean: You have no power here!" I repeat the phrase using the deepest version of my voice I can manage, provoking laughter from everyone in the call.

"I'll use you as my threat translator, hope you don't mind, Corpse." Y/N says giggly, "No one takes my threats seriously, sad face."

"You should see her when she's angry! She's the embodiment of that meme with the stuffed baby bird with a plastic knife. You just wanna hug her and squeeze the 'anger' out of her." Rae is seriously giving off the vibes of an older sister embarrassing her younger sibling. It shows that their relationship fits that description very well considering Rae is indeed older than Y/N and they've been friends since toddlers. "Or just hug her, you know. She's the best hugger."

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