Champagne Problems ⨀

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing, Heartbreak, Angst

Genre: Angst

Summary: Y/N and her best friend Lia are spending the day with their friend Sabrina who's less than twenty four hours away from being a bride, marrying the man of her dreams. This reminds Y/N of the time she was almost walking down the aisle, on her way to marry the only man she'd ever loved. The one she made a mistake and let go of.


"Y/N, come the fuck on! It's noon!" Lia's voice splits Y/N's already pounding head like an axe would a pumpkin. As though her voice is a physical force.

There's really only one explanation - Y/N's hungover. Very badly hungover. Every attempt to lift her eyelids is a battle with pain sent straight from hell; her stomach is turning but she can't throw up despite knowing she'll feel better if she does. Her guts are strong enough to hold down whatever she consumed last night, but not strong enough to prevent the concoction of different types of liquids and the greasy pizza she had for dinner from bothering her with this uncomfortable, sickening feeling that feels like it's climbing up her throat, stopping just before it could reach her mouth.

"Y/N! Sabrina is gonna flip shit if we're late, you know how precise she is!" Lia has the audacity to smack her struggling roommate with a pillow.



Y/N grabs hold of the pillow before it could collide with the back of her head for the third time. Her arm may be weak, but she's still stronger than the girl that's literally straddling her at the moment while the poor, only half-alive Y/N is lying on her stomach, face buried in her pillow, cringing.

"What has gotten into you?!" Lia whines in frustration, nudging the almost dead body under her.

Is this girl blind or is she just really bad at comprehending context clues - like the outfit that's half on the floor and half still on Y/N, her messy hair, the pillow covered in makeup and the smudges on her face. Also maybe the fact that the whole room reeks of alcohol.

While Y/N's brain has already come up with dozens of retorts she could use, the most she can utter coherently is: "Can't you go alone?"

The other girl rolls her eyes, getting down from the bed to avoid accidentally crushing her roommate, "If I go alone, Sabrina will personally drop by to collect you. And she won't ask you nicely. Others would call it a kidnapping. So you might as well get your sorry ass up and in the shower cause we're leaving in twenty minutes."

Y/N somehow finds it in her to lift her head and prep herself up on her elbows, almost toppling back down onto the mattress from the brutal pain and the dizziness that hits her but she persists, twisting her face into an expression showing off in just how much discomfort she is. It's hard to keep looking at Lia who has positioned herself directly in front of the window which allows a ton of brightness to enter the room - a brightness that's not very welcome at the moment.

"Why can't we go later? She's our best friend, since when do we need exact appointments to be dropping by her apartment?" One hand comes up to clutch the side of her head which is cramping for some odd reason.

"Since she's a bride tomorrow and brides are busy like a month before the wedding." Lia says matter-of-factly, rolling her eyes to show her disapproval with the mentioned fact, "Y/N, listen, I know Sabrina is a bridezilla and I know she's been hard to put up with, especially these past few weeks. But look on the bright side - after tomorrow it'll all be over. And yes, forgot to mention, I see what's been going on with you. I have two eyes and a brain, all three of which functioning. I know weddings stress you out..."

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