The Cursed Tape (Experience ⨀)

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(this music was linked on the fanfiction)

This is not a regular fanfic. This is an experience. Please enjoy 🖤

~~ Hello.

I am guessing you are listening to this tape for the first time. If not, I must say, I am surprised. Pleasantly, of course. Though, I can't help but wonder, why you listening to it again? Is it because you like my voice? It can't possibly be because you like the message I have for you. Though the voice theory doesn't make sense either, does it? You are probably already sick of hearing it over and over again. case you are a first time listener, I don't want to scare you too badly right from the get go.

You don't know me, but you're about to.

For now, I want you to tell me why you picked up this tape? Why did you play it? Why are you still listening to me blabbering? Is it out of curiosity? Are you intrigued? Or are you so fearful you are frozen? And yes, I am waiting for an answer. Don't just stay silent, thinking it's ridiculous to be answering a voice from a recording. You see, it's not so simple, actually. All will be explained shortly.

For now, all you need to know is that from this point onward - you will never be alone. Depending on how you view it, that can be a blessing or a curse. If you consider it a blessing, trust me, it won't last. Have you ever felt so lonely - like you're the only person on this cold Earth? Or maybe the type of loneliness where you are surrounded by people but have never felt so detached from reality and humanity. Either way, that's all about to end. Considering you are listening to this, you have probably, at some point in your life, wished the loneliness would end - one way or another. I don't know if you ever knew ending it this way was an option. Well, isn't this world full of surprises, huh? Do not be afraid, at least not yet - this is not something you want to hear with a mind hazy from fear. You need a clear head to understand what you've gotten yourself into.


I'm messing with you. You're so gullible. It is indeed reversible, or curable, if you will. But we'll get into that in a second. I wouldn't want you getting rid of me just yet.

You didn't answer my previous question though: Why did you pick up this tape? Where's the logic in picking up a tape that randomly appeared in your apartment? Who even owns tapes anymore? If this were a horror movie, you'd already be dead. You're lucky my intentions aren't so malicious. No, this is just my special way of helping you in your day-to-day life. I know it gets hard, I've experienced it first hand. I know how you tear yourself down and I have heard and said all the horrible things you think and tell yourself. I would be a hypocrite to tell you you're wrong. I know I hated when people tried to comfort me and change the way I see myself. I always said they couldn't view it the way I did, no matter how hard I tried. All their words appeared empty, worthless and meaningless. I unapologetically hated myself until that hatred turned into a curse. A curse that somehow landed me here. I'm not complaining, though. It's nice to be able to enter the lives of people like me.

Typically, I want to be the encouragement people need, but encouragement is not enough. Not my goal either. I don't want you to just keep pushing onward. What's the point of that if your mind is still poisoned by all those awful thoughts. No, my goal is to take those away from you, and instead of you telling them to yourself, I'll be doing it for you. That's right - I'll play both roles so you don't have to. I'll be the courage and the self-doubt.


No one else would understand if you tried to tell them. No one would get it. Well, no one except the select few who are also in your position. They are all corpses - you included. You are all just bodies, salves to the mind and victims of its abuse. Well, your mind will no longer be a problem. I will take that role. And you will simply be a corpse. You still have some say in this life you're living, don't panic. You get to decide which side of me wins - the encouraging, kind and supportive one; or the one that you are used to hearing, the one that underestimates you, crushes you under its heel.

If now you are oh so rudely questioning how to cut me loose, I will give you the answer. Find a corpse. Sounds weird, right? Let me elaborate, don't jump to conclusions.
As we have already established, you are not the only one who has me by their side. There are many like you out there. To free yourself, and them, from me, from the loneliness, from the doubts, all you have to do is fall in love with them. And no, you can't fall in love with just any person, silly. You have to find a corpse, they are the only ones who will understand you and bring you happiness in this life. Outsiders wouldn't get it. They'd deem you overdramatic or an attention seeker. But us corpses know what it's like to have your mind feel like a separate person - an enemy.

Back to you, second, third, or maybe even fourth time listener. You still haven't found a corpse I'm guessing.
Here's a tip: Beyond what their mouth says is what their soul hides. Deafen their words, don't listen to the lies. See through their disguise, look through their eyes.

Oh, how rude of me, I've been talking for God knows how long now and yet I still haven't introduced myself - I am also a corpse. Corpse Husband - married to loneliness. You will be too, unless you find the corpse you are looking for. It sure is tricky, I'll give you that. But when you find them, it will make it all worth it.

And you will thank me, but I won't be there to hear it.

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