The Gloom's Sunshine *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Opposites attract. A controversial phrase, if you ask me. So many people agree with it, so many have found ways to prove it wrong. This love story gives a point to the first category, but it also proves a separate point no one seems to focus on - they don't only attract, but they complete one another.


Life is interesting. Love even more so. You never know who you'll end up with. It's a constantly turning wheel and it's gonna stop for no one. If you're expecting the right person for you to be that person that stops the wheel, stopping the chaos, you couldn't be more wrong. No, love is all about someone who will hold onto you while the wheel keeps turning. While you're happy at the top and miserable at the bottom. Someone who won't ditch the ride when things get rough but instead hold on tighter.

And that's what Y/N and Corpse have found in each other - love, support, safety. Happiness.

Many have tried to define their relationship using the classic, commonly thrown about phrase 'Opposites attract'. They may attract, yes, but that phrase is shallow. It only talks about attraction which is nothing too meaningful. Hell, it could be just momentary. What matters is if that attraction grows into something stronger, with a solid foundation. That's a relationship. That's what hold meaning here. The completion of two people with the help of one another.

Corpse and Y/N did indeed attract because they intrigued each other with their polar opposite personalities. They met through a game of Phasmophobia. Since Y/N is not the most fond of horror games, or the horror genre in general, Rae thought it'd be good idea to invite her to play Phasmophobia with Corpse, Sykkuno and herself.

Needless to say, she was scared shit-less the whole time. She had never participated in a game like that before, so she first had to be taught the mechanics, which Corpse was more than happy to do because Rae was busy play-bickering with Sykkuno the first twenty minutes of the game. All three of them had the pleasure to of hearing Y/N's near mental breakdown at every noise or movement. Seeing her behavior, Corpse decided to take advantage of it and scare her at any and every chance he got. It worked 98% of the time, earning him a gasp, yelp or even a scream from the constantly on-edge Y/N, who, by the end of the game, was cursing him out while he laughed his ass off. In order to 'apologize' and 'make it up to her' for the trauma he left her with he promised to have her play Among Us with the gang one day.

Y/N brushed it off with an eye-roll, thinking he had no real intention of doing so. Well, she was wrong seeing as how the next morning she woke up to find Corpse was now following her on all socials and had sent her a IG DM asking if she'd be up for a round of Among Us that evening. After getting over the initial 'is he for real?' moment, she sent him a text saying she'd love to join the gang.

They exchanged a few more words, some chit-chat which Corpse used to calm her nerves which she didn't know she had. She was by no means unpopular. She's actually pretty well-known in the beauty community with her millions of fans and all the partnership deals with make-up companies. She's been in magazines, in commercials, on billboards. She's known for her rainbow-y style: all the colors and all the glitter you can imagine.

Corpse, unlike her, was familiar with her appearance. He actually looked her up the second Rae said she'd invite a famous friend to play with them and ordered him and Sykkuno to be cool around her. Seeing her on all those magazine covers made him nervous, in all honesty. He didn't know what to expect. The first thing his mind went to was a stuck-up, sarcastic, high-maintenance princess. He still beats himself up over that. He still can't forgive himself for being so prejudicial and shallow. Imagine the guilt he felt when he finally met her - it hit him like a ton of bricks.

In two hours she went from being a stranger, to a face from a magazine and just another beauty guru to an acquaintance and then a friend. The offer he had made for her to join a game of Among Us was completely on impulse, it was his way of initiating people in his inner circle and he was overjoyed when she accepted.

Things sort of developed from there without either of them noticing how close they were becoming. The only time they came to the realization was after Corpse revealed his face to her.

In person....on a date.

And now, things have been going a bit like this:

"How did you convince me to do this?!" Y/N squeals, her hands gripping the controllers as her body jerks at every sound she hears.

Corpse, who is observing this from the side, is doing his best not to laugh at his girlfriend's first time trying out a horror game in VR. "A bet's a bet. No getting out of it." He's been resisting the urge to jump-scare her this whole time, he's afraid she might actually be salty for the rest of the day and he couldn't handle that. "They're just cute animatronics, babe. Nothing to be afraid of."

"NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF - MY ASS! These things are terrifying! And they want me dead! I still can't be- OH GOD WHAT WAS THAT?" Part of the fun is how ridiculous her reactions look with the added element of him having no clue what she's hearing or seeing. "IT'S COMING TOWARDS ME! What do I do?!"

Ok now this is an opportunity he'd be a fool to miss out on. "Just stand very still, he can't see you if you're standing...perfectly...still."

Y/N wastes no time following his advice and instantly turns into a statue with shaky hands. Corpse slowly and soundlessly stands up and approaches her cautiously as to not alert her of his actions. He comes to a stop behind her, quickly wrapping an arm around her waist, picking her up with a mortified scream escaping her lips. "Corpse, I'll murder you, I swear to God!"

Corpse just laughs, removing the VR headset he himself got for her as a Christmas present. It was entirely black when he fought it but it's now decorated with plastic diamonds in many colors which never fails to make him smile. Y/N didn't wait to work her magic on it and add her character to it. She gives a few complaining kicks, searching for the ground below that she's no longer making contact with. He takes the controllers from her too and sets them on the table before plopping down on the couch with Y/N in his lap.

"That was uncalled for, you sca-" she stops talking when she notices what he's wearing - the black, sparkling glittery sweater she got him. She had her doubts about it before buying it but seeing it on him for the first time after he unwrapped it was a sight that made her realize she was right to have gotten it for him. "I thought you'd never wear it." She says shyly, avoiding his gaze as her fingers intertwine with his.

"How could I not when I pull it off so well and when it's a gift from my favorite person ever?" He presses his forehead against hers, "I love it."

Her eyes travel timidly to meet his, "I'm glad."

"And I love you." He says, paying close attention to any change in her facial expression which, to his surprise, remains the same.

"I'm glad." She replies, her smile widening the tiniest bit.

He playfully narrows his eyes at her, "Seriously?"

She giggles, catching him off-guard when she leans forward, connecting their lips. A smirk is playing at her lips when she pulls away. "I love you too."

She's the sunshine in his life and he's the cloud in hers. She shines on him even when he's in the deepest, darkest depths of his mind, reminding him that there's still a way out of the canyon he has fallen into and offering him her hand to help him. And he's the cloud that hides her from the sometimes unbearable sun. He provides her with a safe shade to hide and confide in. Lord knows even the happiest person needs a shoulder to cry on from time to time.

Much like the groom and and bride are bound by marriage, the gloom and shine that Corpse and Y/N are are bonded by their often dark minds. They both struggle with anxiety which they help each other fight - Corpse with his gloominess and Y/N with her brightness. But ever cloud needs light, otherwise it's invisible, and the sun needs to hide from the face of the Earth sometimes which the cloud is more than pleased to assist it with.

He's her safety and solace, she's his happiness and comfort.

They attract and complete one another, the way two souls should when united by true love. The wheel keeps on turning, but the grip they have on each other never weakens - actually, it keeps getting stronger.

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