Always Got Your Back *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing


Genre: Fluff

Summary: Among Us with friends would seem like a good way to get your spirits lifted after a bad day. However, Y/N's day can't simply be fixed by a round of Among Us. Actually, it raises the stress levels even higher. Good thing Corpse is there to save the day.


"Hey Y/N! We'll be playing Among Us in a bit, wanna join?" Felix says over the phone, his voice mixing with the sound of whatever game he's currently playing.

"Nah Felix, sorry. It's really not my day today. I'll just be a party pooper the whole time." I reply, balancing my phone between my ear and shoulder as I draw a scene for my upcoming story-time animation on my tablet.

It really isn't my day. I have been working on this video for a two weeks now. I've been so goddamn dedicated that I was two thirds into it when the whole fucking program crashed on me, sending all my hard work out the window, straight into a black hole. It's safe to say I handled it well....I cried like a baby and screamed in agony for half an hour before restarting the whole thing after praying to any God that may or may not exist to not let the damn piece of technology crash on me again.

"All the more reason you should play. It'll lift your spirits. Ok, you wanna hear the magic words? Fine..." he clears his throat theatrically and takes a deep breath, "Corpse is playing too."

"Motherfucker...." I mutter in frustration before hanging up on him.

Felix and I have been friends for years now. I actually moved to the UK at the same time as him and Marzia and have had the honor of being one of their closest friends (and dogsitters) ever since. I've moved though, now I'm a New Yorker. I tend to travel to the West Coast quite often though. On one of these frequent trips I had the pleasure of meeting Corpse. We were quick to build a friendship that has only gotten stronger now that we play games together as well.

I've voiced lines for his narration videos and he has voiced lines for my animations. We've talked about collaborating on a song, but nothing has come from that conversation, at least not yet. We've been floating in each other's atmospheres for a while, so you can't really blame me for catching feelings. I'm honestly surprised it didn't happen earlier. It was so random too. The media nowadays makes it seem like the moment you fall in love is the moment everything changes. It's a grand and memorable moment that you spend a lot of time thinking about.

It wasn't like that at all with me.

It was not exciting, not overwhelming, not that special either.

It was a day like any other. Corpse and I were sending memes back and fourth as usual, keeping each other company while we worked on our future videos. I don't remember the exact meme he sent me but it cracked me up real bad. I legit couldn't breathe from laughing so much. In-between fits of laughter, I simply said: "I love this guy." And for some reason it felt different than all the other times I've said it. It felt so real and authentic and its meaning went deeper than the platonic sense I've always said it with.

And that was that. Not much has changed. I might blush more often when we talk on Discord or text, but it's not like anyone can see me so it's basically like it's not even a thing. That was the case until I let the fact that I might have a slight crush on Corpse slip in front of Felix.

The man-child has not shut his trap about it ever since. I'm lucky he does so only in front of me and no one else otherwise I'd be getting an earful from Rae and the rest as well. Speaking of Rae - she's my best friend. She's been susing me for quite some time now but I've always found a way to brush her comments off and swerve the conversation.

"Hey guys!" I greet the people who are already in the Discord call, "How's it going?"

"Oh Y/N, how nice of you to grace us with your presence." Felix is just poking a stick at me as usual, but because of the aforementioned malfunction of my animation software my chill has decreased below zero so it's quite easy to irritate me. Thankfully, I manage not to say anything snappy to him in response, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to contain myself again.

"Yeah, yeah, I should start charging money to show up." I roll my eyes while I customize my avatar.

"Nah, you love us too much to do that." Corpse pipes in, his voice getting a smile out of me instantly.

"Guess you're right." I mumble before muting myself for the start of the game.

My screen lights up with the title of 'crewmate', allowing me a sigh of relief. I'm really not in the mood to be impostor. I'd fail immediately.
It's a pretty standard round for the most part, seems pretty nice and quiet so far. I haven't found a single fellow crewmate to team up with and use as my alibi which is kind of a bummer, but oh well.

The 'calm and relaxed' round reaches new dimensions when a body is reported and it is revealed that there are actually four dead people.

"Holy shit someone went off!" Sean who reported the body says through fits of laughter.

"And here I thought this was one of the more peaceful rounds." I add, twirling the wire of my headset around my fingers.

Rae sounds out of breath when she starts speaking, "I WAS JUST HEADING FOR THE EMERGENCY BUTTON. I SAW CHARLIE VENT."

"Guys, for the love of God, I still don't know how to use the fucking vents!" Charlie's wheezing with laughter which is more than enough for us to boot him off the ship in a matter of seconds.

However at the very end of the meeting, Corpse decides to throw his accusations into the ring. "Nothing personal, Y/N, but I've been sus of you this whole time."

I do an actual double take at what I just heard. "Wait, what? Why?"

"I haven't seen you at all." He hurries to fully explain himself, "I'm just saying. It's nothing concrete, I just wanted it out in the open as an option to be considered."

The round resumes before I have the chance to defend myself. Thanks a lot for making me the main suspect, Corpse.

I come up from Shields, heading for Navigation. There I run into Felix and Rae. She is doing a task while Felix is standing aside, presumably waiting for her to finish.

And then the unthinkable happens - In a matter of milliseconds, Felix has killed Rae and reported the body before I have even processed anything.

"It's Y/N." Felix says, "Good intuition, Corpse."

"I fucking called it!" Corpse cheers, "Off the ship this instant, Y/N!"

To my dismay, Corpse, Felix and I are the only people alive so I am automatically ejected. It's two against one.

"I SWEAR TO GOD, CORPSE, LISTEN TO ME." I know how tiny the chances of me winning this argument are, but damn it, I'm not going out without a fight, "This is a classic kill, self-report and throw the blame. You know that tactic better than anyone! I swear, it's Felix!"

"Sorry Y/N, the decision has been made." Corpse says firmly as the 'voted' sticker pops up onto his name.

"Fine. Fuck you, then!" I place my vote on Felix, knowing full-well that it's pointless and mute my mic.

And then another unthinkable thing happens - there are two votes on Felix and only on on me.

"WHAT?! WHAT IS THIS?!" Felix freaks the fuck out as the screen displays the crewmates' victory.

I am stunned - literally gaping at my screen in disbelief.

Oh God, now I feel bad for cursing him out.

I grab my phone to text him my apology but he's quicker than me - a text of his appearing just as I begin to type mine.

~ I always got your back baby. Never forget it

A grin spreads across my face, the displeasures this day has had to offer me all but forgotten.

~ I know you do 😘 

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