Keep Your Eyes On Me ⨀ *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Health Complications (fainting); Swearing

Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff


I absentmindedly jot down the groceries I need to get onto the small piece of paper in front of me while the majority of my attention is on Corpse who is mumbling his own songs while he's getting ready to start his stream. Subconsciously I start singing along, accidentally writing some of the lyrics down as well as the groceries. I laugh when I notice it, causing Corpse to abruptly stop his singing as well.

"What's so funny? Are you laughing at my singing?" He calls out to me from his recording room which is just down the hall.

"I would never!" I snicker, "Your song made its way on my grocery list, that's all!" I click my pen but stop before I put it away in my bag, "Do you need anything by the way? I'm going to the store."

"Not really..." he trails off for a second, "Actually, could you get me a bottle of that lime flavored mineral water?"

I scoff with a smile, "I'd be happy to. Especially if that means you'll stop drinking mine."

"That's not fair! I only had a sip." He complains. "It's not my fault half the bottle was gone when I put it down."

I roll my eyes, "I'm just messing with you, Corpsie." I say as I write down the mineral water onto my list before putting it in my wallet.
Just as I'm about to exit my kitchen, my gaze falls upon the box of Corpse's pills. I bought him that cause I needed to be sure he wasn't forgetting any of his pills. Every morning I make sure each capsule is in its respective slot of the box, and I regularly check if they disappear throughout the day as they are supposed to.

Realizing I haven't yet checked it today, I reach out and open it. Two of his morning pills are already gone with one remaining. This one he takes at around 11AM, so I turn to the clock to confirm there's still time for him to take it. My eyes widen when I see that it is 12:30, an hour and a half after he's supposed to take it. I power walk down the hall to his recording room and poke my head in through the opened door.

"Corpse, your 11AM pill, take it right away, you're already late." I remind. I'm not being too scolding with him because it's the first time this has happened in the year and a half we've been dating.

"Ah shit, sorry. I'll take it as soon as I set up my mic." He groans with an apologetic look on his face. Given that he's already almost done with the microphone, I respond by nodding, blowing him a kiss and leaving the apartment.

* * *

It's been approximately two hours since I left the house. There were awful traffic jams everywhere, I swear I considered getting out of my car and walking to the store, but I couldn't just leave my vehicle like that. Not that it would go anywhere or pose as a hinderance to the already completely frozen traffic.
I quietly discard my shoes and make my way into the kitchen, trying to be discreet as not to disturb Corpse while he's streaming. I put away the groceries each in their own spot until I grab the bottle of mineral water Corpse asked for. I decide to bring it to him, knowing he might need a refresher. The time is a little past 3PM meaning the time for another pill is approaching. I grab the pill box to take it to Corpse's recording room as well. Out of instinct, I open it first.

My heart drops a little when I see the two pills - the 11AM and 1PM one - are still in their slots.

I get an anxious feeling in my chest and stomach as I hurriedly close the box and basically run down the hall to the recording room. My blood runs cold at what I see when I throw open the door.

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