Hold My Earrings *

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader (Female) ft Sykkuno and Dream

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF, Humor

Summary: Corpse is charged into full-on anger mode when both Sykkuno and his own girlfriend are killed in a round of Among Us. He swears to take revenge on the impostor and avenge his friend and lover's deaths. Little does he know it's the person he thought he didn't have to worry about.


Y/N is roaming the halls of the space ship, looking for a fellow crewmate to team up with seeing as how she has already finished her tasks and is left with nothing to do but fear for her life. Wandering into Security she runs into Dream who is manning the cameras.

"Hey Dream! How's it going?" Seeing an opportunity to team up with someone she trusts, she sticks around. Not that you can trust many people in this game, Y/N is willing to believe in the best of her friend.

Ever since they were introduced they've been inseparable - as inseparable as two people can be on a Discord call - much to Corpse's dismay. He knows there's nothing to worry about, but then again he can't remain completely cool-blooded when he hears Dream, or anyone else for that matter, lowkey hitting or simping for his girlfriend, no matter how friendly or teasing it is. He knows they are all messing around to get a reaction from him or get a laugh from Y/N and their audience.

"Wassup Y/N." He replies, stepping away from the Security panel and closer to me, "You done with tasks?"

"Yup, I'm hella bored now tho. What are you up to, apart from spying?"

Dream snorts, "Oh you know, the usual. Roaming, being a peeping Tom..." he trails off for a second. A second which he uses to kill her, "Killing people." He finishes his statement.

"Fuck you! I trusted you, dumbass!" Y/N attempts to fake hurt and betrayal but she's not really selling it with the fits of laughter that slip by after every word she says, "How could you?! We could've had a great thing, you and I! Why would you ruin it?!"

Dream cracks up completely, giving Y/N that final push to get her to stop trying to control her own laughter, "Sorry dear, but I value victory more. Bye-bye!" He says before hopping in a vent, leaving Y/N's headless body behind. Her spirit, however, is restless and immediately takes off in search of her boyfriend she prays will find her body and avenge her death as for it to not be in vain.
She does a quick sweep of the perimeter but can't find the deep-voiced Among Us mastermind anywhere which leads her to return to her lifeless body once again, defeated by the disappointment.

"I'll show him. How dare he kill me!" She murmurs under her breath, looming over in Security, waiting for whoever will spare her the miserable fate of remaining nothing but an unreported body.

Luckily for her, someone comes down the hallway, towards the room that has become her grave. It's Sykkuno! Her eyes widen with immeasurable joy at the sight of the green avatar with two small leaves atop his head. She's never been happier to see him.
However, that excitement subsides real quickly when she sees the vent pop open and...


Too late - Dream meets Sykkuno right as he enters the room and kills him, with the audacity to even GREET him before decapitating him. Sykkuno's dead body drops a little ways from hers, his ghost appearing right next to her.

"Well, ain't that a bummer." Sykkuno says, only mildly disappointed by his untimely death.

Dream vents again, leaving behind the aftermath of his impostor wrath. He's one lucky bastard seeing as how only seconds after he disappears into the vent, Rae walks into Security and gasps in utter horror at the massacre she finds inside.

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